Debugging / Looking at Values

What is the best way to look at what is going on with values in code? For example, say I write something like this...

int CreateDrinks(string drinkchecking, string resource){
	item d = to_item(drinkchecking);
	item r = to_item(resource); //little paper umbrella or magical ice cubes or coconut shell
	int amount;
if (item_amount(r) > 0)  
	amount = creatable_amount(d);
return amount;


To find out what the int value of the CreateDrinks, I will print it out doing something like this....
int x;
x = CreateDrinks("mae west","coconut shell");
print("" + x + "");

Is there a more efficient way at looking at these values when I run the script?


Active member
Well, you can save one line by moving the print together with the CreateDrinks-call, but I'm guessing that's not what you're after. There's no way to study values within a script without adding a lot of printouts at different points.