Feature - Implemented Daily Deeds Panel reoganization needs feedback


I have personally acquired the desire to change the DD panel around a bit. Mostly because I like clicking stuff in order. This has historically meant that I'd heal THEN use the ballpit/scope buttons. I have since modified the code in my build to reorder this stuff so it is slightly more logical to click the buttons as you see them. My biggest fear is committing the code and having people panic since aftercore DD panels get so extensive the familiar drop trackers get pushed below the visible area.

		this.add( new BooleanDaily( "breakfastCompleted", "breakfast" ) );
		this.add( new BooleanDaily( "dailyDungeonDone", "adv * Daily Dungeon" ) );
		this.add( new SpadeDaily() );
		this.add( new CrimboTreeDaily() );
		this.add( new ChipsDaily() );
		this.add( new BooleanItemDaily( "libraryCardUsed",
			ItemPool.LIBRARY_CARD, "use library card" ) );
		this.add( new TelescopeDaily() );
		this.add( new PitDaily() );
		this.add( new StyxDaily() );
		this.add( new PoolDaily() );
		this.add( new BooleanItemDaily( "_legendaryBeat",
			ItemPool.LEGENDARY_BEAT, "use Legendary Beat" ) );
		this.add( new BooleanItemDaily( "outrageousSombreroUsed",
			ItemPool.OUTRAGEOUS_SOMBRERO, "use outrageous sombrero" ) );
		this.add( new FriarsDaily() );
		this.add( new SkateDaily( "lutz", "ice", "_skateBuff1",
			"Fishy" ) );
		this.add( new SkateDaily( "comet", "roller", "_skateBuff2",
			"-30% to Sea penalties" ) );
		this.add( new SkateDaily( "band shell", "peace", "_skateBuff3",
			"+sand dollars" ) );
		this.add( new SkateDaily( "eels", "peace", "_skateBuff4",
			"+10 lbs. underwater" ) );
		this.add( new SkateDaily( "merry-go-round", "peace", "_skateBuff5",
			"+25% items underwater" ) );
		this.add( new ConcertDaily() );
		this.add( new DemonDaily( 1, "yum!",
			2, "+100% meat, 30 turns" ) );
		this.add( new DemonDaily( 3, "+5-16 HP/MP, 30 turns",
			4, "+20 hot damage, +5 DR, 30 turns" ) );
		this.add( new DemonDaily( 5, "+30 stench damage, 30 turns",
			7, null ) );
		this.add( new DemonDaily( 8, "torment, 20 turns",
			9, "+80-100 hot damage, 30 turns" ) );
		this.add( new BooleanSkillDaily( "rageGlandVented",
				"Vent Rage Gland", "cast Vent Rage Gland" ) );
		this.add( new RestsDaily() );
		this.add( new HotTubDaily() );
		this.add( new NunsDaily() );
		this.add( new BooleanItemDaily( "oscusSodaUsed",
			ItemPool.NEVERENDING_SODA, "use Oscus's neverending soda" ) );
		this.add( new BooleanItemDaily( "expressCardUsed",
			ItemPool.EXPRESS_CARD, "use Yendorian Express card" ) );
		this.add( new MojoDaily() );
		this.add( new PuddingDaily() );
		this.add( new MelangeDaily() );
		this.add( new StillsDaily() );
		this.add( new PuttyDaily() );
		this.add( new CameraDaily() );
		this.add( new AdvsDaily() );
		this.add( new DropsDaily() );
		this.add( new FreeFightsDaily() );
		this.add( new RunawaysDaily() );

Considering the extent of the changes I propose, I listed the code above so folks can check it out and offer suggestions for further reordering. Note the FreeFightsDaily is the infernal seal tracker AND the mini-hipster fight tracker. I have also added a bunch of logic to remove useless fields and buttons (which are not actually shown here).

I wanted to make the chipsDaily disappear when you have no chip machine, but alas, I am not that good of a code tracker. If someone with more clue could check into this and give me a suggestion, I'd happily add it to the code.

I would personally like to make the breakfast and spade buttons be on the same row next to each other to conserve space, but there again, I need a suggestion/snippet that would make this possible.

Please leave any feedback you have so I can respond to it and make any worthy adjustments before committing my code to the svn repository.

Thanks for being an awesome community!!


Staff member
One thing I've done with my own version is comment out listings corresponding to familiars I don't have, such as _hareAdv being displayed in AdvsDaily when I don't have a hare. If those were conditional on having the familiar, that would be nice.


One thing I've done with my own version is comment out listings corresponding to familiars I don't have, such as _hareAdv being displayed in AdvsDaily when I don't have a hare. If those were conditional on having the familiar, that would be nice.

Got it. That's in the code. I also removed the summon buttons unless you have one of the possible quest items which indicate Lord Spookyraven is defeated. The idea was to make it all relevant and logical... well, it's a try at least.


I'm still waiting on a proper test of the availability of the telescope and bookshelf in bad moon aftercore, before skills are recalled. I'd also like to know if the garden patch is available and Mr. Store hatchlings are usable prior to recalling skills or not.
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