Bug - Not A Bug css -- not matching


New member
had been running r11604, updated to r11671 and my farming script stopped matching, invoking [default] on everything. Ended up stomping (a default action) something that should have been olfacted.

reversion to r11604 solved it. I don't really know what caused the mismatch. maybe case sensitivity got added?


New member
[ candied yam golem ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ default ]
skill release the boots
attack with weapon

[ el novio ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ el padre ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ four-shadowed mime ]
attack with weapon

[ la novia ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ la persona ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ malevolent tofurkey ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ possessed can of cranberry sauce ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ stuffing golem ]
skill entangling noodles
skill fearful fettucini

[ the black knight ]
skill transcendent olfaction
attack with weapon


Staff member
Remove "the" from "the black knight".

We changed the names of monsters that used to have "the" in them to agree with KoL; things like "The Man" really are that, but "the black knight" is now "black knight".


Active member
Believe that the Spanish articles were recently removed as well... so you probably want to remove those. Unless you want a 'fun' missed opportunity.