Feature - Implemented Craft with Inigo's


New member
I hope it hasn't been proposed before, I quickly checked in this forum but didn't find anything. sorry if it's already been discussed.
I'd like to have a warning message à la ode when I try to craft something and it will takes turns: "are you sure you want to craft without inigo?"
that would be very helpful and maybe not very difficult to implement (?).

thanks for reading this!


Very little Inigo support has been added for crafting in Mafia, but it seems to be on Veracity's to do list. You might want to add this request to this thread, where most Inigo Feature Requests have been merged.


New member
Creating booze/food tweeks

It'd be really nice to be able to have a "Require Inigos" setting an option from the Item Manager screen just to be on the safe side during a run.

In addition, would it be possible for the item creator screen to still display all possible crafting solutions even if you have "require boxen" checked? Currently it won't display ACs or SCHs if you have that option checked, even if you have all the proper ingredients. Perhaps have them just grey'd out?


This can probably be merged into here. I think that's a repository for Inigo's-related requests.

For the record I'd really like this as well, and I believe some steps have been made recently towards implementing it.

edit: don't mean to mini-mod, if that's the way this came across
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Active member
With the patch on that thread, if you have require boxen enabled and don't have box/inigo, crafting stops. If you do have box, it gets used first, because that's how KoL handles things. If you have Inigo but no box, it should craft as long as it doesn't end up requiring adventures...

At least, that's how I read the code when I made the patch.
Can we please have a preference that when true, mafia will automatically cast and use Inigo's to craft anything that would normally take a turn?


Staff member
Surely this can be merged with the half dozen other "mafia should craft with Inigo's" threads?


Well, I found threads for these unsatisfied Inigo's related topics:

I didn't think any of them were exactly a good match for this request so I only found one thread to merge it with. That's a bit less than half-a-dozen you remember -- I suspect you're actually remembering the dozen reports that mafia would refuse to craft with inigo when out of adventures. That bug was finally fixed so this feature request should definitely not merge there.
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Having thought about it, I will not add the ability to auto-cast inigo's. It is 1) expensive but more importantly 2) limited use.

What I *will* add is a preference to always nag about creations that cost adventures. Otherwise we should stop nagging a la milk and ode after the user hits cancel.

ETA: merging some other threads in here. I'm going to reject the innabox-specific portion of Numenor's freq, since we now have access to more filters that should do a better job than that.
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Similar to the other prompts, mafia will not nag again after you tell it to go ahead and craft with adventures. This can be overridden with preference alwaysPromptAboutCrafting=true.

Lightly tested and coded during an ascension, so caveat emptor if you decide to test it out for the first time in the middle of a speed run :)