Cooking with my chef


New member
I do a lot of cooking of the same thing. I am trying to script it so all I have to do is set the amount of sauces I need then let mafia do the work. I can script it fine up until the actual cooking (I can buy all the extra stuff I need, etc.). How can I make mafia cook as many as I need, using a clockwork chef whenever it runs out (I cook several hundred, so this happens a few times per cooking spree)?
So far, I have tried nesting while statements, but this doesn't seem to be working very well. Apart from that, I am lost...


Did you try checking "requires in-a-boxes" and unchecking "repair on explosion"? Then you could just do a while loop containing cli_execute("cook 400 serum of sarcasm") and the commands to make and use a clockwork chef?