Continuing adventuring after an autostop in a different location


Active member
I'm trying to figure out how to make the Mer-kin Outpost properly figure out Grandma and the rest of its crazy autostop goodness without aborting. I've tried setting an autostop as a condition, I've tried not having a condition, I've tried capturing the result of the adventure, I've tried putting the adventure text into a try/finally block... and every time it hits the autostop, that function (MonkeeQuest) in the script ends and the next quest's function begins normally.

Is there some way to do this, or is my best solution to scrap the mafia-controlled auto-stop idea and use visit_url to override the adventuring?


Staff member
Having any goal remaining after you get the adventure will keep adventuring from being aborted, I think. Adding a razor-sharp can lid (or any item that can't drop there) as a goal would be sufficient.


Active member
Is there a way to realize that I've completed the autostop without spamming the user? I know I can do (roughly):
cli_execute("goals add 1 autostop, 1 steaming evil");
while (count(get_goals()) > 1) adventure(1, $location[mer-kin outpost]);

But I'd really rather not spam users with conditions not met every adventure if I can avoid it. :)


If functionA returns after an autostop, couldn't you just wrap it in functionB that keeps calling it until whatever condition is met? Or am I not understanding things.


Active member
Yeah... I'd prefer not needing to create
void adventureAutostop($location) { adventure(my_adventures(), $location); return; }
if there's an actual way to track the autostop and not just to try to avoid it. If mafia currently doesn't support actually using autostops in scripts, so be it. :)