confused about eating


New member
Ok I'm a little confused about something. I've read a few threads about people saying you have to be careful when you eat because if you're full the script will stop... I just made a VERY simple script and it went all the way through.
use cranberries
echo works
use cranberries
use eyepatch

Eating cranberries (1)...
Consumption limit reached.
Eating cranberries (1)...
Consumption limit reached.
Using eyepatch (1)...
Successfully used eyepatch (1)

So what am i missing here?
If you have a script that works, then you're not missing anything! :)

Seriously, if people had been saying that that script aborted prematurely, then it was part of the massive framework redesign that Veracity did for version 7.5. Now internal commands that used to abort will not return false to the caller and let them handle it if they want (unless it really is a fatal kind of error). You should check Veracity's announcement for more detailed information.
Thanks for the good words, but my "framework redesign" was all for ASH and he's got a regular CLI script.

Looking at the source, I see the following comment for revision 183, checked in on April 21: "Overeating does not create an error state (just a pending state)".

In other words, you can try to overstuff yourself with no effect on your script.

I think that means that you can't detect such an attempt, even if you wanted to, but it does mean that any old script will not abort execution if you try.
So in other words if we ignore server hits we can in theory make a eat max of best foods scripts by just throwing in a massive script that tells the character to eat everything it can in its inventory with the script ordering the foods to eat from best to worst? (Well this ignores the fact you could probably cook but the basic concept is what matters)

eat * BestFoodHere
eat * SecondBestFoodHere
since i'm usually "empty" when i start a script or start the day i'm probably gonna put a little varible in my script that just increases by 1-5 depending on what I eat
but even if i ate something before I ran the script i would prevent it from eating forever. It would just stop when fullness variable = 15 so it might try to eat 1 or two extra items.
Yes well I did mean you in theory can just not bother to script in a local fullness counter and just attempt to eat everything and thus be a auto-eating script...