Commissioning scripts


New member
Hi, I would like to commission a script or two, paying the creator in the process. Is it allowed on this forum, what subforum should I use and is there anything else I should know? Thanks in advance!
I think this forum is as good as any, and yes it is allowed. The price should be "fair" (i.e. not way too low which is quite common), a minimum of 1 million meat has been used in the past.
Ok, so then let me say what I need.

I need a script to do the following:

I turn on mafia, it does breakfast, then I run the script.

Equips my meatfarming outfit
Cast 3 field gars.
Get HOT shower, 3 item drop buffs from pool
The script then buys whatever is the optimal diet for 2.5k meat on with liver, nightcap, tps available, casting ode, using milk etc of course and checking if the price differs by a lot from what it says in the diet (e.g. someone buys out groose grease and it jumps by 100k meat, it isn't optimal any more, so it can write out a warning in that case or something). If it's impossible to check web sites through mafia, we'll set up something that eats a constant set of food, but I can change it from time to time easily.
The script buffs the character with the optimal buffs for my farming considering max adventures (don't overbuff). I farm melange, so for instance, red snowcone or thingfinder is optimal if it costs less than 2500 meat per bought buff. Resolutions are all pretty much optimal, as well as pet buffing spray. That's pretty much it I think as far as buffs go.

Then buy drum machines, use them, fighting with my custom combat script. The number of adventures (drum machines) used is (max total adventures i have atm MOD 20 so lets say 400, 420, 440). Stop fighting whenever there is max MP and cast resolutions. When the cost of a resolution cast is more than 500, stop casting.

Equip sleeping outfit.

As a contingency against bugs in the script, compare total money the account had when the script started and finished. If the final result is lower than what the start was, indicate with a warning somewhere.

I farm this way for about 2 years now, everything is tested out, I know how my diets work, how my buffs work, what is optimal, what my gains are etc, so everything kind of works out. The script won't have to worry about MP regen, selling stuff for money etc...

That's it for the script. I'm paying a Mr. A or meat equivalent. If everyone thinks that's unfairly low, we can arrange something else. I'd like the result to be in more or less 1 file or just give me something to unzip somewhere. Don't tell me to download this or include that, I'd really prefer for you to just give me everything I need in 1 rar or even better just 1 script. I also expect you to brush up on the script after I try it out if there are minor alterations or misunderstandings. I'd like the script not to be available to the public afterwards. It's fine to use other peoples scripts, libraries etc while making it, as long as they are ok with it, or rather, as long as the scripts are public to use.

Finally, I'm not sure how this works if more than one person wants to do this for me? First to finish or best or you just arrange it between yourselves? I'm not sure what is customary, but anyway, don't start working on it 'cos I can't pay for 3 identical scripts.

Thanks in advance, and please comment on the request with suggestions or proposals.

I know most of this stuff exists but I don't have the time to patch up scripts or work with multiple inputs and outputs per day. I don't have the time to play so much right now, so I want to turn it on, let it make me some meat and turn it off. You can profit from my laziness then.

Edit - forgot to say, the script should be robust in the sense that if it stops running into one of the "problems" I described earlier, once I manually solve it and resume it, it doesn't buff again or whatever, but rather "has a checklist" of what is done and continues from there. There is stuff it can check for for any given "waypoint", e.g. if fulness is full, no more trying to eat.
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This sound a lot like dj_d's farmscript, with some slight modifications, and a login script that just trigger everything properly.
Well, eror11 knows exactly what he wants to do with his adventures. farm.ash goes through all the mall looking for profitable items to farm.

Well, used to. I don't know if it still works.

eror11: have you looked at Harvest.ash?

It would probably need a little bit of tweaking (making a custom consumption script, and maybe buying up drum machines via your mood or a betweenBattleScript....), but you can probably do everything with it.

Keep in mind that I haven't read all of your post, though. Maybe you wanted something specific that Harvest doesn't do. I also don't know how good Harvest is at recovering from an abort, but my guess is that it is pretty good.
He doesn't want to do the planning/configuring himself, he wants it done for him. Yes, you could do it with Harvest, but that takes player-work, not paid scripter-work. :)
I don't know about harvest.ash, but theraze is right, I don't have the time to do it and screw around with it right now. If you can adapt that to work for me, great, we can do that. I'll wait 24 hrs from my original post to see if someone else has ideas etc, if not, I'll start working with you, donavin69. If you have specific questions right now if you want to think about how to do stuff or that could be useful for other people, please ask away! :)
Since it seems noone else is interested in scripting this, it seems donavin gets the job, so ask what you need to know! :)