Command to put Makeshift Crane in Terrarium?


Active member
I was trying to figure out earlier today if there was a way to, using gCLI commands, get the makeshift crane into the terrarium. When I tried the 'use' command, it just folded it into the next shape... I eventually gave up and just used the relay browser, but am still curious.


I didn't find a way. But I did find out I could use "familiar naked bandersnatch" to override Mafia choosing a familiar equipment automatically.


Active member
Yes... I made an alias that prices purchasable familiars I don't yet have, but after doing buy/use a few times with increasing cost, it clicked that I've seen this familiar in the list before. :) Luckily they're cheap, under 3k, but still...

Do 'normal' fold items fold to next with the 'use' command, or do they equip/use instead?


I think familiar larvae have a "grow" link next to the "use" link. Same thing with "equip" and "use" or "fold".


Active member
Yeah... the relay browser has that. Or 'put in terrarium' was what I recall it saying yesterday. What I was wondering was, with things like the stinky cheese and loathing legion, if you use the item, does it function like a 'normal' item, or does it do a 'fold next' type thing?

Actually, just tested it and don't remember it doing this before:
> use beer helmet

Putting on beer helmet...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Elder Turtle Shell...
Equipment changed.

> use distressed denim

Putting on distressed denim pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Knob Goblin pants...
Equipment changed.
For some reason, as soon as it equips the item, it re-equips the original item. Not sure if this is a 9342 bug or just a 'feature' of using equippable items.

Did test with turtle wax and it appears that the 'standard' response for use on foldable items is to do a fold next, not to equip.