Feature - Implemented CLI "ashwiki" command for faster scripting reference


Well-known member
Now that our Wiki is fairly comprehensive, it would be nifty to have a CLI command for looking up details on ASH functions, just as we have the "wiki" command to lookup intra-KoL stuffs.

When I ashref something and see several typed but unnamed parameters listed after the function, I often want clarification on what values I should supply for those parameters.

> ashref 1

boolean adv1( location, int, string )

> huh?

Bad item value: "deodorant" (zlib.ash, line 289)

Ok, I got odd results there since I'm "using zlib.ash" but you get the picture. :) It would be very convenient to be able to do:

> ashwiki adv1

(opens http://wiki.kolmafia.us/index.php?search=adv1 in my browser)

> YAY!

Returned: null


Active member
Alternatively, it could download and parse the wiki page and print it directly to the CLI. Shouldn't be too difficult...