Clearing the Vines from Overgrown Shrines


New member
I wrote a quick one liner to clear the shrines .. just wondering if anyone can make it a little more complete, or shorter since its a bit of a long alias

killvines => checkpoint; equip antique machete; familiar angry jung man; adv 1 an overgrown shrine (northwest); adv 1 an overgrown shrine(northeast);adv 1 an overgrown shrine (southwest);adv 1 an overgrown shrine (southeast); adv 1 massive ziggurat; outfit checkpoint;

switches to the angry jung so that it adds to his psycho jar counter ..

At the moment the alias uses 4 adventures by visiting each shrine only to walk away .. is there a way to stop it doing that ?


Staff member
At the moment the alias uses 4 adventures by visiting each shrine only to walk away .. is there a way to stop it doing that ?

Walking away from there doesn't actually use an adventure (that's why the massive ziggurat doesn't use a fifth adventure). What does use an adventure is hitting the button that you must spend an adventure on to open each zone anyway. If you really want to stop that, you will need to use the ASH function adv1().

I'm guessing you play HC? For SC you probably want to switch the familiar in your Crown of Thrones to give something else more xp.