Bug - Fixed can't equip bugged balaclava


I have a bugged balaclava, and I can equip it via the relay browser, but not via equipment manager or cli

bugged balaclava

> equip bugged balaclava
You need 1 more bugged balaclava to continue.
Here's a related problem at the end of a fight:

You acquire an item: sugar shard (3)
Your sugar shield shattered.
Stealing bugged balaclava from spartacus! the Baby Bugged Bugbear...
Putting on bugged balaclava...
[COLOR="#ff0000"]Only a specific familiar type ( Baby Bugged Bugbear ) can equip this item.[/COLOR]

Now I have to re-equip the balaclava in the relay browser since the gear changer won't let me.
I find it suspicious that there are such unique bugs relating to the Baby Bugged Bugbear...

(Ok, not really suspicious, but funny.) ;)
With the Bugbear in the terrarium with no equipment and a bugged balaclava in my inventory:
> inv bugged balaclava

bugged balaclava

> familiar Baby Bugged Bugbear

Putting Dusty the Baby Sandworm back into terrarium...
Taking snɔɐʇ&#63 the Baby Bugged Bugbear out of terrarium...
lead necklace is better than (none). Switching items...
Putting on lead necklace...
Equipment changed.

The same sort of thing happens with the Bandersnatch if only a charpuce or crimsilion jub-jub bird is in the inventory.

Would the next step be to equip an item that has the "Equips On" modifier if the default equipment listed in familiars.txt isn't found?
(unless more than one valid equipment is found I guess)
Except amphibious tophat doesn't add any familiar weight. (No, I'm not advocating adding a check to see if you're in the sea and your current familiar can/can't breathe underwater. That would be just silly.)