Can mafia tell me how many turns I spent in combat in an ascension?


New member
Is it possible for mafia to take my session logs and tell me how many turns I spent fighting? Preferably those combats that occurred prior to freeing the king, or broken down by day would be nice, by level would be super nice. If so, can it tell me what familiar I had active at the time?

I tired searching the forum but I'm really not sure what terminology would be in a discussion related to this and pretty much just failed. I have seen a lot of neat scripts here while looking though.
Is it possible for mafia to take my session logs and tell me how many turns I spent fighting? Preferably those combats that occurred prior to freeing the king, or broken down by day would be nice, by level would be super nice. If so, can it tell me what familiar I had active at the time?

I tired searching the forum but I'm really not sure what terminology would be in a discussion related to this and pretty much just failed. I have seen a lot of neat scripts here while looking though.

Mafia won't but I believe this will
Yeah, ok. If that won't tell me what I need, I probably don't need it. Crazy program whoever put that together. Nice work.