Bug - Fixed Buying clovers

Turn on clover protection (or whatever it is that causes Mafia to immediately use any clovers you might get to turn them into disassembled clovers).

Type into the CLI:
buy 5 ten-leaf clover

Hilarity ensues:

Searching for "ten-leaf clover"...
Search complete.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,084)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,085)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (4 @ 1,085)...
Using 4 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (4)
Finished using 4 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,089)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,090)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,099)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,099)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,099)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.
Purchasing ten-leaf clover (5 @ 1,099)...
Using 5 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire disassembled clover (5)
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover.

And that's where I decided to hit the Stop now button because I really only wanted 5 ten-leaf clovers, not infinite disassembled clovers.

Decided not to try to reproduce this bug myself, because meat doesn't grow on trees here, mang.

(Haiguise, 'sup?)


Active member
Looks like the bug here really is in using buy rather than acquire, since buy gets them from the mall for >1000 meat each rather than from the hermit for 50 meat. If they're your first few for the day, at least...

But the buy code probably needs to be more aware that the clover acquisition was successful even though the final item isn't the one expected.
No, I mean to buy, not acquire. I have a stash, but I don't want to use them because I want to keep track of the cost of using a clover. But this all is beside the point. :p


Staff member
Why not use mall_price, then?

> mall_price ten-leaf clover

This is a tangent, though, and doesn't change the fact that Mafia is protecting all the clovers you're buying and causing you to buy an infinite amount :p


If we could skip the distractions, such as Gap's desire to purchase clovers from the mall with the buy command, we actually do have a KoLmafia bug here. In Theraze's words..

the buy code needs to be aware that the clover acquisition was successful even though the final item isn't the one expected.