bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker


Active member
Because it uses only external data, the information could just be added to the PHP in the snapshot page. So in your profilesetup.php page, you could choose (up to 20?) items and the script would update them via a CRON job every 24 hours or something.


Because it uses only external data, the information could just be added to the PHP in the snapshot page. So in your profilesetup.php page, you could choose (up to 20?) items and the script would update them via a CRON job every 24 hours or something.

That's a VERY sweet idea.


Staff member
Not directly related but DCQuest produces a file that has a list of items in your display case and your ranking for each item according to JickenWings. The file can easily be sorted or filtered as a spreadsheet, thus giving people an idea of which items should be included in the snapshot.

@bumcheek - The folks at JickenWings ignored my offer to discuss ways to make DCQuest server friendly. Thus I presume that they are not having any problems with the number of hits. However, if you are going to run a cron job you might consider consolidating data from the various users. Fetch the rankings for Evil Golden Arch once and then get the rankings for the 3 users who are interested, as opposed to fetching the page three times.


Staff member
Not to be a spoilsport, but didn't jickenwings stop updating a few months ago?

There was a period of a week or so when they were not updating but according to this they have been back in business for a few weeks. I can't say for sure that they are updating, since my access is automated and buried in a script, but I would expect slightly different behavior if they weren't.


Staff member
Well, they still don't have things I added a couple of days ago ...

They don't know about my antique souvenir drawing yet so... Past experience has been that new items require some manual work that takes time so they may be down again or it may be that the items of interest are awaiting code changes.


Active member
I wouldn't call rusty diving helmet [1][2] exatcly *new*. Especially since querying JW returns that item and several people who have it.
I was expecting delay on the order of a single day, but that *has* already waaay passed.

[1] and other rusty equipment
[2] that's what [3] *I* put in [4]
[3] OK, one of several more-than-couple-thousands-meat undersea items
[4] at least I *hope* I did


Staff member
I wouldn't call rusty diving helmet [1][2] exatcly *new*.
There goes the "recent item" hypothesis. I necro'd the thread on the main forum so we'll see if anyone else has noticed and is aware of the problem or admits to trying to fix it.

Sorry to hijack the thread bumcheekcity.

Edit: There is now (7/22/2010) a post on the main forum that essentially says that automatic updating isn't working real well and so the site updates occasionally when someone intervenes. Bottom line: it is updating, but not on a regular basis.
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Well, jickenwings says that I only have 238 stuffed Hodgmen, so it seems to be a bit over 1 week late, but less than 2.


Active member
There goes the "recent item" hypothesis. I necro'd the thread on the main forum so we'll see if anyone else has noticed and is aware of the problem or admits to trying to fix it.

Sorry to hijack the thread bumcheekcity.

Not at all. Indeed, thanks for bringing this up - I'd hate to have done this work and found JW NOT be working. We'll wait for confirmation and I'll hold fire for now.


New member
Snave, could you confirm the list of food and booze that's wrong, and "which way" it's wrong, if you know what I mean? I've added a few, so if you could re-run that'd be helpful.

Ok, here goes:


No mistakes. I've eaten a tonne more recently and that still didn't fix it, but then once you added the new foods it seemed to just fix itself.


Booze I have drunk but it thinks I havent:
Acqua Del Piatto Merlot***
Alewife™ Ale***
Antarctic Ice Tea***
around the world***
berry-infused sake***
blended frozen swill***
cherry bomb***
Corpse Island iced tea***
corpse on the beach***
dirty martini***
hot choculate***
jar of fermented pickle juice***
jar of squeeze***
Mutagin 'n' Tonic***
oily mushroom wine***
Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster***
Petite Porter***
sangria del diablo***
steel margarita***
Typical Tavern swill***
vodka martini***
wine spritzer***

Booze I have not drunk and it thinks I have:
An evil little sump'm sump'm
Decanter of fine Scotch
Dew yoana salacious lei
Evil ducha de oro
Evil horizontal tango
Evil roll in the hay
Ferita Del Petto Zinfandel
Flask of peppermint schnapps
Red-headed corpse
Salacious lychee chuhai
White-label gin
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Not at all. Indeed, thanks for bringing this up - I'd hate to have done this work and found JW NOT be working. We'll wait for confirmation and I'll hold fire for now.

My stuffed Hodgman collection has just been updated on Jickenwings. I confirm that the site is alive and working.

I'd say that was a bit over 2 weeks between updates. That's slow, but functional.


New member
Eat & Drink Discoveries

I enjoy the newest feature on the Wiki snapshot script. This remains one of my most used KoL utilities and it keeps improving.

I would like to try to use the consumption tracking to decide what to eat and drink. I'd like to add to my breakfast script to eat to fullness on one of each of as much never-before consumed as possible, starting with the most fullness first. Same thing for booze. Basically I want to try a simple optimize on finishing the consumption grid.

Is this already in the works (I apologize for not reading back more than a few pages)? Is there an API I can use on the website that would dump the data in a more raw format?



Active member
The Jicken Wings project has been put on a backburner, but a list of unfinished items isn't out of the question. Give me a day. Or two.