bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


The page I was looking at, and the one that is linked to one the first thread of this post, goes to this page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bumcheekascend/files/

If I didn't know how to download any single script, how would I have been running my kolMafia scripts this far? :p The latest version of bumcheekascend listed on page linked to on the original thread is 0.52. For someone unfamiliar with SourceForge, navigating to the proper link isn't quite so straight forward. I myself am a programmer and have used my fair share of collaborative software including Tortoise SVN, just not SourceForge.

Also, I've been off on holidays using my crappy laptop with remote desktop software which makes everything on the screen about %50 harder to see :p

At any rate, thank you for the proper link.


Staff member
Oh c'mon... how hard is it to right-click on download and choose save as? :)

That's what I thought and why I posted. But when I go to http://bumcheekascend.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/bumcheekascend/ and then right click on either the link that says "bumcheekascend.ash" or the Rev. (number) link, what I save is HTML and not just the ash script.

To actually get the script I had to click on the Rev number and then, once the page was displayed, right click and Save As on the download link. If you can right click on a link on http://bumcheekascend.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/bumcheekascend/ and get the text (ash) file with Firefox, please tell me how you are doing it so I can save a couple steps next time around.


Active member
True... it does smack you around the first time. But if you're paying attention, you should notice that the format it's trying to save is HTML instead of text (and not the name you've expected) and you cancel out, click on the name/number and download from there...

The standard confused attempt gets there without a problem, but they left click on the download link and then copy/paste the text from that into Word or another faux-text editor that mangles the script file and then they post about their error in script at 1,1. :)
Or, you can use a script like this for SVN. It works for me on Linux, it might work on OS X with some minor tweaks if you have svn installed.


svn co https://bumcheekascend.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/bumcheekascend bumcheekascend
cp -r ~/bumcheekascend/bumcheekascend.ash ~/.kolmafia/scripts


Staff member
I think the point being made is just that downloading the latest version of an ash script hosted on SourceForge is not as easy as just right clicking on a latest version posted here.


Heh, well, all I had to do was download the text and paste it into Notepad++ to overwrite the old version of bumcheekascend.ash , then make a few small changes in the code for my own purposes.
I'm sure this is an easy fix if someone wants to point me in the right direction.

> call scripts\bumcheekascend v0.53.ash

Expected ;, found ) (bumcheekascend v0.52.ash, line 2796)


Active member
Yep, update to the SVN-version I just uploaded. Also, it will no longer even try the level 9 quest as the method I had didn't work and wasted turns instead of building a bridge. Nothing is thus better for now.


I ran the updated version of the script (that still had that bridge step in) on my alt, and yeah, it did just keep gathering materials and never built the bridge. It still saves time if you keep an eye on it, or if you don't care too much about optimally fast runs (like me.)


Active member
Yeah, if someone could give me the URL of when you first click the bridge (with or without a bridge in your inventory) that'd be great :)


Active member
That would be
but with the recent updates, you can just do
			buffer page;
			if (get_property("lastChasmReset").to_int() != my_ascensions()) page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm");
			page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm&action=bridge"+(get_property("chasmBridgeProgress").to_int()));
Line 1 and 2 are for updating the chasmBridgeProgress if you haven't checked it yet this ascension, the third line should visit the bridge if you haven't finished it... This is ripped from the Level 9 Rinn script I've been working on getting updated... :)


Active member
That would be
but with the recent updates, you can just do
            buffer page;
            if (get_property("lastChasmReset").to_int() != my_ascensions()) page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm");
            page = visit_url("place.php?whichplace=orc_chasm&action=bridge"+(get_property("chasmBridgeProgress").to_int()));
Line 1 and 2 are for updating the chasmBridgeProgress if you haven't checked it yet this ascension, the third line should visit the bridge if you haven't finished it... This is ripped from the Level 9 Rinn script I've been working on getting updated... :)

Thanks! I am using that setting to decide when to stop faxing smut orc perverts so it's already in use :)


Active member
Winterbay, would you say the Lv9 code is broadly ready? I could spin a new version if you recommended. As I say, I've recently moved and don't get my internet back for a week, so I've been a bit out of things recently.


Active member
I would say that it is not, however the current version is better than the one released since it at least aborts and doesn't try to do the old level 9 quest. I have code written for parts of it but I need to test it to see that it actually works and to see that it is relatively stable. It'd be great if Mafia's quest-tracking was finalised as well so we can use to for full usage.


Active member
Oh? Oh, well, when I get home from work today I'll upload a version that should not do that and also should be able to build the bridge before it aborts.


Active member
Ok, new version uploaded. It contains (commented out) code that should handle most of the rest of the level 9 quest as well. If anyone want to help me sanity check that I'd be very grateful.