bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Been doing HC AT 100% familiar runs and just noticed that the script was switching to stomping boots while in the bedroom. It always RETURNs from combats, but I'm wondering if that will bust the 100% since it is a combat. I had a 99.8% flaming face run a few ago, but did not dig into the log to see what caused it.

Starting a combat with a different familiar (or even without a familir) will bust a 100%, no matter how the fight ends.

ETA: and that will learn me to reply to things in a tab that I didn't just open/refresh. Arrr!


New member
Interestingly, after updating to the latest version of the script (151), my Level 12, only-battlefield-left-to-finish character gets the following error:

Level 8 Starting
BCC: We have not completed the stage [trapper].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [mining].
Can't figure out which ore to look for.

After reverting back to the previous edition, the error disappears. Is there a way to manually set stages as complete?


Active member
Yes, the easiest way is to copy this to the CLI:
ashq import bumcheekascend.ash; checkStage("trapper", true);

"trapper" can be exchanged for whatever else BCA is complaining about (such as "mining" in your case). The mining part is still not fully supported due to the recent change...
I'm having a problem Ive never run into before wondering if you someone can help me out I keep running into a loop

Need to Level up a bit to get 73 Mainstat
BCC: levelMe(73, false) called.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Set mood trigger: When I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
Mood swing complete.
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 73 buffed Primestat. This means getting 6 Primestat.
BCC: But, we're a myst class, so we don't really mind about safe moxie that much. We'll only try to get 50 instead.
Mood swing complete.
Conditions list cleared.
BCC: Setting goals of '1 eyepatch, 1 swashbuckling pants, 1 stuffed shoulder parrot, 1 flaregun'...
Condition already met: eyepatch
Condition already met: swashbuckling pants
Condition already met: stuffed shoulder parrot
Condition added: flaregun

Request 1 of 20 (Island: Pirate Cove) in progress...

[298] Pirate Cove
Encounter: sassy pirate
Strategy: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\KoLmafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: Cereal killer 024 wins initiative!
Round 1: Snot Boogy is just skin and bones. Well, slime and slime, technically, but still -- you should feed him!
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
3/5 monsters drop goals here.
This monster is the best source of goals (0.58)!
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
WHAM: Enqueuing a stun to help with the battle
Round 1: Cereal killer 024 executes a macro!
Round 1: Cereal killer 024 casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 2: Snot Boogy leaps on your opponent, sliming him for 12 damage. It's inspiring!
Round 2: sassy pirate takes 12 damage.
You gain 12 Mana Points
Round 2: Snot Boogy's starting to look a little thin.
Round 2: Cereal killer 024 casts SPAGHETTI SPEAR!
Round 3: sassy pirate takes 10 damage.
Round 3: Snot Boogy leaps on your opponent, sliming him for 12 damage. It's inspiring!
Round 3: sassy pirate takes 12 damage.
You gain 12 Mana Points
Round 3: Snot Boogy's starting to look a little thin.
Round 3: Cereal killer 024 casts SPAGHETTI SPEAR!
Round 4: sassy pirate takes 10 damage.
Round 4: Snot Boogy sniffs around, looking for something to absorb.
You lose 21 hit points
Round 4: Cereal killer 024 casts SPAGHETTI SPEAR!
Round 5: sassy pirate takes 10 damage.
Round 5: Snot Boogy leaps on your opponent, sliming him for 8 damage. It's inspiring!
Round 5: sassy pirate takes 8 damage.
You gain 8 Mana Points
Round 5: Snot Boogy's starting to look a little thin.
Round 5: Cereal killer 024 wins the fight!
You acquire an item: CSA cheerfulness ration
You gain 26 Meat
After Battle: Snot Boogy hops around, dancing a jig accompanied by wet squelching noises.
You acquire an item: flaregun
After Battle: Snot Boogy looks up at you guiltily before disgorging a piece of equipment.
You acquire an item: crowbarrr
You gain 3 Fortitude
You gain 10 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Smarm

Conditions satisfied after 1 adventures.
BCC: We have not completed the stage [manorlibrary].
choiceAdventure80 => 99
BCC: Preparing Food (Have 2 Reagent Pastas)
BCC: Preparing Booze (Have 0 SCC and 3 ACC)
BCC: Maximizing ''
16 combinations checked, best score 581.00
BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
BCC: Setting the default familiar to your choice of 'Mini-hipster'.
Putting Snot Boogy the Slimeling back into terrarium...
Taking Blue Cheese the Mini-Hipster out of terrarium...
BCC: Nothing to fax according to whatShouldIFax
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
BCC: Unlocking the Gallery Adventure thingymajig
Cleared mood.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Set mood trigger: When I run low on The Magical Mojomuscular Melody, cast 1 The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
BCC: Need less combat, brave Sir Robin!
Set mood trigger: When I run low on Smooth Movements, cast 1 Smooth Movement
Set mood trigger: When I run low on The Sonata of Sneakiness, cast 1 The Sonata of Sneakiness
Set mood trigger: When I get Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation, uneffect Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
Mood swing complete.
Mood swing complete.
Conditions list cleared.
BCC: Setting goals of '1 choiceadv'...
Condition added: Choices Left: 1
BCC: We should set the MCD if we can.
BCC: We CAN set the MCD.
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.

BBB: Skip Rise of Spookyraven.
choiceAdventure80 => 4
BBB: Skip Fall of Spookyraven.
choiceAdventure81 => 4
MCD: adjusting to 0...
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.

Request 1 of 19 (Manor1: Haunted Library) in progress...

[299] Haunted Library
Encounter: bookbat
Strategy: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\KoLmafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: Cereal killer 024 loses initiative!
You lose 18 hit points
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
Round 1: Cereal killer 024 executes a macro!
Round 1: Cereal killer 024 casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
Round 2: bookbat takes 135 damage.
Round 2: Blue Cheese hops on your back for an ironic piggy-back ride. You feel a little stronger after hauling all of that irony around.
You gain 2 Muscleboundness
Round 2: Cereal killer 024 wins the fight!
You gain 2 Muscleboundness
You gain 7 Mysteriousness
You gain 5 Chutzpah

then I just continue to adventure and get the same loop
Just a question when specifying the default familiar in the settings do you specify the name or the familiar type? If name, when i specify it says it is switching to it but it doesn't. I will submit a log tomorrow as well as one for when it says I don't He-Boulder but I do have a He-Boulder


Active member
Cereal, your between battle script and BCA are fighting... BCA is trying to unlock the gallery, BBS is skipping the gallery unlock adventure. Either unlock the gallery manually or edit your copy of BBS.


Active member
Just a question when specifying the default familiar in the settings do you specify the name or the familiar type? If name, when i specify it says it is switching to it but it doesn't. I will submit a log tomorrow as well as one for when it says I don't He-Boulder but I do have a He-Boulder

It should be the name, type won't work since there are way too many things of different types. Mine seems to be switching fine to the baby bugged bugbear so a CLI output would definitely be helpful.


Active member
You would type in "Baby Bugged Bugbear" since that is the name of the familiar. The name you gave the familiar is not available to scripts as far as I know so it would be impossible to use (also, I don't think anything would stop you from naming all your familiars the same thing which would make things really confusing...).


Staff member
Bugbear Invasion - it says I have completed the Galley and the way to the Bridge is clear when in reality I have not cleared the galley. Running .50.


Active member
Well, the Galley is left as an exercise for the user since the scaling monsters are hard to script for. It sets the "I've done this"-flag as soon as it gets to that point so that you can rerun the script and have it try to fight the captain afterwards (if that's your thing).

It made it through the entire ship before that though?


Staff member
Well, the Galley is left as an exercise for the user since the scaling monsters are hard to script for. It sets the "I've done this"-flag as soon as it gets to that point so that you can rerun the script and have it try to fight the captain afterwards (if that's your thing).

It made it through the entire ship before that though?

Yes, it did everything else with no intervention that I recall. I saw the message about the gallery being left to the student but what confused me was the message saying the way to the bridge was open when it was not.
Well...this is odd. For some reason it wasted one of my tome uses for the day. It created an unbearable light when it just saw a He-Boulder and took it out of my terrarium.

I'm glad it didn't waste my pumpkins because I was planning to drink those. :D

Taking Ray the He-Boulder out of terrarium...
BCC: We are going to fax a Lobsterfrogman
BCC: Checking existing fax first. Don't panic if this is the wrong monster - we won't use the wrong monster.
Receiving a fax.
You acquire an item: photocopied monster
You receive a photocopied lobsterfrogman from the fax machine.
BCC: You already have a Lobsterfrogman fax.
bcasc_lastFax => 20120801
BCC: Trying to check bcs_fam_obtuseangel on the Bumcheekcity servers.
Checking for familiar 'obtuse angel' where x=1
Checking for familiar 'slimeling' where x=2
Putting Ray the He-Boulder back into terrarium...
Taking Items-MP the Slimeling out of terrarium...

[913] photocopied monster
Encounter: lobsterfrogman
Round 0: chef_rannos wins initiative!
Round 1: Items-MP is just skin and bones. Well, slime and slime, technically, but still -- you should feed him!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
BCC: This isn't actually adventuring at the noob cave. Don't worry! (Consult Script = consultLFM)

BCC: Consulting for LFM.
Checking for updates (running ZLib ver. r37)...

[913] Noob Cave
Running ZLib version: r37 (current)
You have the latest batfactors.txt. Will not check again today.
Checking for updates (running BatBrain ver. 1.24)...
Running BatBrain version: 1.24 (current)
Checking for updates (running SmartStasis ver. 3.15)...
Running SmartStasis version: 3.15 (current)
Checking for updates (running WHAM ver. 3.1.2)...
Running WHAM version: 3.1.2 (current)
You have the latest pluralMonsters.txt. Will not check again today.
WHAM: Running SmartStasis
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
Round 2: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 2: chef_rannos attacks!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 2
Round 3: lobsterfrogman takes 61 damage.
Round 3: chef_rannos attacks!
Round 4: lobsterfrogman takes 58 damage.
Round 4: chef_rannos attacks!
Round 5: lobsterfrogman takes 61 damage.
Round 5: chef_rannos uses the spectre scepter!
Round 6: lobsterfrogman drops 2 attack power.
Round 6: lobsterfrogman drops 3 defense.
Your Slimeling is running on E.
WHAM: Starting evaluation and performing of attack
Round 6: chef_rannos executes a macro!
Round 6: chef_rannos attacks!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 7 but KoL thinks it is round 6
Round 7: lobsterfrogman takes 62 damage.
Round 7: chef_rannos wins the fight!
You gain 3 hit points
You gain 3 Mojo Points
You gain 84 Meat
After Battle: Items-MP hops around, dancing a jig accompanied by wet squelching noises.
You acquire an item: barrel of gunpowder
You gain 15 Muscleboundness
You gain 10 Magicalness
You gain 26 Smarm

_meatpermp => 4.081632653061225
_meatperhp => 0.4859086445399693
Checking for updates (running Universal Recovery ver. 3.9.6)...
_version_BalesUniversalRecovery => 3.9.6
You have a current version of Universal Recovery.
BCC: Run_Combat() being used normally.
08/01/12 05:35:24 PM - New message received from Your Pen Pal.
BCC: We are getting an unbearable light, which the script prefers to pumpkin bombs where possible.
Creating 1 unbearable light...
Casting Summon Clip Art 1 times...
You acquire an item: unbearable light
Summon Clip Art was successfully cast.
Successfully created unbearable light (1)

So I'd say, if you have a He-Boulder, and you are not doing a 100% familiar run (that is a different familiar from the He-Boulder, or in a Boris run where you have no He-Boulder to use) then I would disable pumpkin bombs and unbearable lights from creation since they all use the same counter.
Last edited:
I think I screwed something up... For some reason it wants me to use my stomping boots instead of the rogue program. Thank God it used faxbot and there was a 1 minute wait so I could cancel the script. I tried it againand this time had my cursor on the stop now button and when it started it went right back for the boots. What do you suggest I do?

Level 6 Starting
BCC: Checking if we can hunt any new bugbears.
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [trapper].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [airship].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorlibrary].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [prewarboss].
BCC: We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorlibrary].
BCC: levelMe(40, true) called.
Level 7 Starting
BCC: Checking if we can hunt any new bugbears.
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [trapper].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [airship].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorlibrary].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [prewarboss].
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have completed the stage [innaboxen].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [manorbedroom].
BCC: Maximizing ''
BCC: Your familiar is set to a 100% Rogue Program
Putting Creepy frisbee guy the Rogue Program back into terrarium...
Taking Kitten stomp the Pair of Stomping Boots out of terrarium...
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.


Active member
I take it you do not have the SVN-version of the script? The current released version has a bug in which it will do just that when going to the bedroom. Do the bedroom manually or update to the SVN-version if you want a complete 100%-run and not a tourguide run.