bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
It should've cleared the mood when you ran the script. It always clears the mood before creating a new one. Or at least that's the way it should be... Under which circumstance did it not do this?

Do you have some CLI-output or Session log output around that time that I can see?


Active member
Well, here's the whole adventure-bit code that's leading into that:
				if(contains_text(sonar_room, "combat"))
				else if (!contains_text(sonar_room, "So Close and Yet So Nar")) {
					index = index_of(sonar_room, "name=pingvalue") + 28;
					value1 = to_int(char_at(sonar_room, index));
					index = index_of(sonar_room, "name=whurmvalue") + 29;
					value2 = to_int(char_at(sonar_room, index));
					index = index_of(sonar_room, "name=boomchuckvalue") + 33;
					value3 = to_int(char_at(sonar_room, index));
					if (value1 != 2)
						sonar_room = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=588&pwd&option=1&pingvalue=2&butt1=Set+Pinging+Machine");
					else if (value2 != 4)
						sonar_room = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=588&pwd&option=2&whurmvalue=4&butt2=Set+Whurming+Machine");
					else if (value3 != 8)
						sonar_room = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=588&pwd&option=3&boomchuckvalue=8&butt3=Set+Boomchucking+Machine");
						checkStage("Sonar", true);
So that should only happen if you are NOT in combat and don't have the "so close" initial adventure...

Actually, I think it was that "Combat" starts with a capital letter.


Is there support in the script for the Mothership? I realise I should probably know that already.

For me as a user, it do everything except the Galley with the +ML angry cavebugbears. it abort with a message that it intentionally is left for the user to do it.
And, at least for me, it do something wierd in the sonar room and form an infinite loop. The script gets all the bio data and things like that.


Active member
Is there support in the script for the Mothership? I realise I should probably know that already.

Yes there is, and it's working just fine for me but seems to fail for Ferdawoon for whatever reason... And yes the Galley is unsupported due to the scaling.

The function in question is bcascBugbearShip().
I had some problems with it not pulling out organs with tweezers a couple ascensions ago, but it looks like that is fixed now. The only part it stops for me now is the scaling ML but that's easy enough for me to do.

A couple of ascensions it seemed to over level on me, but this last one it did a 5 day HC AT bugbear run. :D

One problem I have had recently is if the script doesn't beat the hippy boss in the island war, it tries to adventure in the bombed out area anyway for the bugbears there. If I manually fight the boss and beat him it works. The CLI output says that the island war is over in those cases and tries to fight bugbears but it fails to adventure there and loops. Obviously it's not done if I have to put the frat warrior fatigues on and kick some butt. ;) After the boss is down though the script continues on and works.


Active member
You're correct. It currently only checks for the prewarboss-setting which is set to finished as soon as you reach the boss. As I tend to play myst or muscle this isn't as problem since the script won't try tp do that fight and I always do the battle myself... I should look into that...e

Edit: r150 should at least not make it worse...
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Active member
That option is set to blank. I have even deleted everything and started over and it is not setting my default familiar or changing to my spleen familiars.

Do you have some CLI-output around where it is not changing familiars even though it should?

Is there a way I can set up BCC to mine for me once a day so I don't lose those 6 free digs?

Well, not more than the setting that tells the script to do all mining unaccompanied. It won't do any mining with that skill when it is done with the McLargeHuge quest.

Which, it should be noted is currently very broken due to the new updated quest.
Damnit :( Looks like I'm going to have to actually do some work on my own ;)

EDIT: I just went to the kol forums and read up on the new HD revamp... I fell asleep at like 9 last night and didn't get to play so I had no idea this was a thing... Bad timing to ask on my part I guess lol.
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Active member
Damnit :( Looks like I'm going to have to actually do some work on my own ;)

EDIT: I just went to the kol forums and read up on the new HD revamp... I fell asleep at like 9 last night and didn't get to play so I had no idea this was a thing... Bad timing to ask on my part I guess lol.

Mining to not use your free digs is outside the remit of the script. If someone else wants to add it in, I don't care that much, but it's really something for your breakfast script.

Jar of Jam

I vaguely remember that at one point the top post contained a link to some hints for using the script and one of them was delving into what skills the script is using. Can anyone point me to that list or just post it again ?

Thanks in advance!


New member
Been doing HC AT 100% familiar runs and just noticed that the script was switching to stomping boots while in the bedroom. It always RETURNs from combats, but I'm wondering if that will bust the 100% since it is a combat. I had a 99.8% flaming face run a few ago, but did not dig into the log to see what caused it.