bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


New member
Yeah, mine's exactly like Chef's example. I don't really care if it only uses one stat familiar, but it should at least be the best one.


Active member
Well, you can set your own preferred list by going into the data folder and changing the bcs_fam_famtype.txt file. Where famtype is something like items, hebo, nothing, equipment, etc. Whatever type of familiar default you'd like it to use. It goes through the list and selects based on what you chose...

That part's on you, though if/when the defaults get updated, it would temporarily overwrite your changes until you put them back in the data file...

The get_property("bcasc_defaultFamiliar") only gets run after it looks for specific groups, and the default stat familiar only gets done if you don't have a default familiar set and it didn't match (or you don't have) any of the familiars in the specific grouping. And the bander is the top choice there, so that means Chef is never getting to that point. Though golden might be, if golden doesn't own a bander.


I think the only place the script checks for "Hipster" is when revealing the Oasis where getting combats of that sort may be beneficial to you. That "x = 1" thing is ony used when an external file is being checked at and then the default familiar is out the window anyway.

Used to be during the Hidden Temple too, but now that it is changed I dont know (been doing AoB runs since the path was released so no other familiars available :D )

I thought it might be during the Lighthouse lvl12 sidequest but the script use Hound dog for extra +combat for me so dont know there either.


Active member
Yeah, hounddog is used r extra +combat, not for the extra +item. ALso, the version on the SVN doesn't use the temple for levelling so that issue will go away as soon as that version makes it into main verison and then it'll only be the desert.


Morgad's help centre

(this is where I am posting the help pages for the options for the code I am adding to Bumcheekascend)


We attempt to worship Boris after each visit to the Council (a maximum of once per level, per ascension)

entry - action
(blank) - do nothing
fight - study all entries in the fighting tree
shout - study all entries in the shouting tree
feast - study all entries in the feasting tree
auto - study all feasting, then all shouting, then all fighting
manual - stop the script so you can worship Boris yourself

you can have more than one option on the line, e.g. "shout feast fight", "feast manual'
anything the options parser does not understand is simply ignored.


entry - action
(blank) - do nothing
auto - automatically level up Clancy during the ascension (this is vaporware at the moment, and currently does the same as 'manual' below)
manual - stop the script after paying attention to Clancy, so you can do his quests yourself - areas not guaranteed to be open

lute - add to the above to ignore Clancy once we have the Lute (saves 10 to 20 turns at cost of 2 Clancy levels)
crum - add to the above to purchase a Crumhorn from Uncle P's, once we have assembled a dinghy,and have 3000 spare meat

any questions - feel free to ask, I will edit this post as needed to fix things, or improve the clarity of the writing
best regards
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Active member
morgad, if it were possible, it would be awesome if you could put a number after the fight/shout/feast and have that be the level to work up to. Personally, I do fight1 shout2 feast6 fight4 feast. Then either fight or shout, depending on the ascension and how I'm feeling. :)


not at the moment - I felt power users would end up selecting manual instead,
(also my ash coding skills suck)

- I am currently fighting to improve the Clancy code - but could not get the get_property("questF05Clancy") code to return the correct results
so am tring something with regexs instead (never used a regex before!) drmtest.ash hold my current experiments

I could not see a simple way of tracking what had already been trained, against what was wanted next

the proposed code for options parsing and boris training I will be uploading (from bumcheekascend.ash.drm) is-
string [int] borisTree;
borisTree[0] = "Study";
borisTree[1] = "Study Fighting";
borisTree[2] = "Study Shouting";
borisTree[3] = "Study Feasting";

string bcParseOptions(string inputString, string validOptions) {
	boolean [string] optionUsed;
	string outputString, char;
	inputString = to_lower_case(inputString);	
	inputString = replace_string(inputString," ","");
	inputString = inputString+"0"; // if we run out of options, default to manual stop 

// alias human readable fight(ing) shout(ing) feast(ing) a(uto) m(anual) to 1 2 3 321 0
// passing this lot in to this function via options seems far too much like hard work, so leave
// as a hard coded list for now. (it does the right thing when abused for Clancy option parsing)
	inputString = replace_string(inputString,"fight","1");
	inputString = replace_string(inputString,"shout","2");
	inputString = replace_string(inputString,"feast","3");
	inputString = replace_string(inputString,"a","321");
	inputString = replace_string(inputString,"m","0");
// now filter out characters not in validOptions, and duplicates, stop at first 0
	for c from 0 to length(inputString)-1 {
		char = char_at(inputString, c);
		if (contains_text(validOptions, char) && !optionUsed[char]) {
			optionUsed[char] = true;
			outputString = outputString+char;
		if (char=="0") break;

	return outputString;

string borisOptions  = bcParseOptions(get_property("bcasc_borisSkills"),"0123");	
string clancyOptions = bcParseOptions(get_property("bcasc_trainClancy"),"01");	


void bcAutoBoris() {
	int i, borisOption;
	int borisLength = length(borisOptions);
	string borisResult;

	if (borislength>0) {
		for i from 0 to borislength-1 {
			borisOption = char_at(borisOptions,i).to_int();
			borisResult = visit_url("da.php?place=gate1");
			while (contains_text(borisResult, "hungering for knowledge") && contains_text(borisResult, borisTree[borisOption])) {
				if (borisOption==0) abort("BCC: stopping so you can worhip in the glory of Boris."); 
				print("BCC: "+borisTree[borisOption], "purple");
				borisResult = visit_url("da.php?whichtree="+borisOption+"&action=borisskill");

someone could always modify this later on to make it more complicated, if they wanted to :)

best regards


A few bugs, things, and/or stuffs from my ill-advised attempt to run this as a low-skill Pastamancer: (v. 0.46)

1. Right off the bat, it tried to get an accordion with chewing-gum-on-strings and aborted the whole script because I had too little meat. Commented out line 5455 [after "print("BCC: Getting an Accordion before we start.", "purple");"], which fixed this, but then it did it again shortly after, and I had to comment out line 6151 [after "...pork gems using the relay script if this fails due to lack of meat.", "purple");"] as well. This probably happened because I didn't let it sell my pork gems, but I don't know why it was so determined to get an accordion anyway.

2. It kept trying to cast Moxious Madrigal (?) even though I don't have that skill (or any AT skills for that matter). The effect showed up in the relay browser, with zero turns (a mafia bug?). Related to #1, maybe it should check for AT skills before bothering to hunt for an accordion at the very beginning of a run?

3. Got itself beaten up 2 or 3 times in the first couple of quests, aborting afterward. It doesn't really try to heal, for some reason. I do have Universal_recovery.ash set up, though I didn't change any configurations or anything (maybe I need to tell it to use campground resting?). Was using your CCS from the top post, minus olfaction. I've switched it to stocking mimic as a default familiar, so that might help for tomorrow. (On its own, it only used Smiling Rat.)

4. Did not try to drink my Mad Train Wine (uncraftable) or eat any food, instead it just stopped when I ran out of adventures, and it wouldn't start up again even after I gained some adventures manually in the relay browser. Not sure if it's supposed to do that or not. I didn't see any eating-related settings.

equip acc2 time halo
 > BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
 > BCC: Using a default stat familiar.
 > BCC: Nothing to fax according to whatShouldIFax
mcd 0
 > BCC: Let's get the map

Script did nothing after that, even though I had adventures left.

5. Equipping a furry halo manually made it go into an infinite loop failing to equip a time halo:

equip acc3 time halo
 > BCC: Maximizing [something that the mafia log didn't save, presumably rollover adv]

repeated endlessly. It said something like "cannot equip time halo: halo already equipped" but the log didn't save that either. The furry halo was in acc2, I think.


Active member
1) The script does have a slight problem with meat. If you find that it aborts due to lack of meat it is suggested that you go farm some or auto-sell something. It wants the accordion since it will try to cast a bunch of AT-buffs. If you have none of those it probabaly shoulnd't do that I guess. Allthough it'll still use a low of chewing-gums when it first tries to get clovers.

2) Mafia will show a 0 in the left pane if the buff is added to your mood but have no turns left, so that's normal. That said, it shouldn't try to cast the skill if you don't have it. All cases of Moxious Madrigal (and other skills) are encased in "have_skill"-calls. Could you copy some CLI-output around the point where it happened?

3) Restoring HP and MP are left as an execise to the player, and so is setting UR up to correctly handle things. You will most likely have to tweak your settings as you go along. The script will try to uneffect Beaten Up and if it can't it'll abort since the levelling breaks heavily if you are beaten up.

4) The scripts neither eats nor drinks anything. The only thing it does is get spleen items and use those (and you can turn that offif you want to).

5) When you get a maximizer problem go to the modifier maximizer UI and copy the string shown. That will show the latest thing it tried to do.


I don't really know when it tried to cast the buff, unfortunately, and it doesn't seem to be in the log anywhere. Probably happened shortly after it tried to get an accordion; commenting those lines out may have convinced it that it had one when it didn't. If it somehow helps, here's the whole thing:

View attachment log.txt

I'll try to copy the actual CLI text next time, since that actually has the useful bits in it. Not sure why it thinks there's a new version; I'm pretty sure this is the latest one...

The recovery script seems to default to not actually trying to recover anything, so I guess that was the problem there.

Edit: Moxious Madrigal got put in Moods, which I guess is why it was casting it:
[ bumcheekascend ]
gain_effect just the best anapests => uneffect just the best anapests
lose_effect pasta oneness => cast 1 manicotti meditation
lose_effect the moxious madrigal => cast 1 the moxious madrigal

And I think this is the problem line in the script; looks like it'll add the madrigal check if you have less than 2000 meat (which I did), regardless of whether you have the skill (which I did not):

if ((my_level() < 7 && castMojo && have_skill($skill[The Moxious Madrigal])) || my_meat() < 2000) cli_execute("trigger lose_effect, The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal");

Should be:
if (have_skill($skill[The Moxious Madrigal]) && my_level() < 7 && castMojo && my_meat() < 2000) cli_execute("trigger lose_effect, The Moxious Madrigal, cast 1 The Moxious Madrigal");

I wouldn't think it would trigger if I never had the effect in the first place, but it's the only way it could have happened that I can see.
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Active member
You appear to have only 1 spell. I would suggest that you get at least one other from the guild trainer as it will help you immensly.


New member
Whenever I run the script in my boris run, it's choosing all the hats besides my Boris's Hat. I've tried autoselling the ones it's choosing a few times, but it never defaults on the Boris hat, which I'm pretty sure is my best. How do I have it not touch my hat? Thanks.


Active member
Still need to test it a bit more, but trying out stone wool handling. Think this makes it work...
	if (item_amount($item[stone wool]) > 0)
		use(1, $item[stone wool]);
	string page = visit_url("adventure.php?snarfblat=280");
	if (contains_text(page, "Fitting In"))
		if(item_amount($item[nostril of the serpent]) < 1)
			page = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=582&option=1&pwd");
			page = visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=582&option=2&pwd");
Basically, force the nostril if we don't have it, then go to the heart. If we have 2 stone wool, we should be able to basically skip the temple...

I'll test it another ascension or two and then merge it into the dev tree. :)

Edit: Initial testing does seem promising though.
Destroy with: Mighty Axing
Round 1: Theraze executes a macro!
Round 1: Theraze casts MIGHTY AXING!
Round 2: baa-relief sheep takes 171 damage.
Round 2: Theraze wins the fight!
You acquire an item: stone wool
You gain 8 Fortitude
You gain 4 Magicalness
You gain 5 Chutzpah
Look! You found 1 stone wool (1,100μ)!
Mood swing complete.
Using 1 stone wool...
You acquire an effect: Stone-Faced (duration: 5 Adventures)
Finished using 1 stone wool.

[994] Hidden Temple
Encounter: Fitting In
Encounter: Stone-Faced
You lose an effect: Stone-Faced
You acquire an item: the Nostril of the Serpent
Mood swing complete.
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Day two of robo-pastamancering!

Bought several more spells like you suggested: Ravioli Shurikens, Noodles, Lasagna, and later Cannelloni Cannon. This did help, but it still got itself beaten up a few times by the Bodyguard Bats and a Knob Elite Guard, due to losing initiative and getting pummeled:

[86] Boss Bat's Lair
Encounter: beefy bodyguard bat
Strategy: D:\mafia\ccs\bcc.ccs [default]
Round 0: guyy loses initiative!
You lose 15 hit points
[beaten up]


[131] Cobb's Knob Barracks
Encounter: off-duty Knob Goblin Elite Guard
Strategy: D:\mafia\ccs\bcc.ccs [default]
Round 0: guyy loses initiative!
You lose 15 hit points
[beaten up]

Usually it would figure out to cast Noodles and beat up the monster, but sometimes the above would happen. My re-increasing of HP-%at which to start healing should help for tomorrow, though part of the problem was the script insisted on using Knob Goblin Tongs instead of the Pasta Of Peril that the script worked so hard to create. I think it was trying to max out bonus spell damage, and the epic weapon doesn't have any, though it does give +7 Myst (not quite as good for raw damage, admittedly) and +15% initiative. The latter would probably have saved my butt a couple of times, but it refused to use the Pasta until I hid the Tongs in my closet.

It did, however, handily beat up the Boss Bat after a little manual leveling:

[123] Boss Bat's Lair
Encounter: The Boss Bat
Strategy: D:\mafia\ccs\bcc.ccs [default]
Round 0: guyy wins initiative!
BCC: Monster HP is 44
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 21 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 11 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 5 damage from Spaghetti Spear
Round 1: guyy casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
BCC: Monster HP is 44
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 21 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 11 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 5 damage from Spaghetti Spear
BCC: We are going to three-shot with Cannelloni Cannon
Round 2: guyy casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
BCC: Monster HP is 12
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 21 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 11 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 2.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 30.0
BCC: I expect 5 damage from Spaghetti Spear
BCC: We are going to one-shot with Cannelloni Cannon
Round 3: guyy casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 4: guyy wins the fight!
Your familiar gains a pound: Problematic Seaweed, the 2 lb. Leprechaun
You acquire an item: dense meat stack
You acquire an item: Boss Bat bandana
You acquire an item: Boss Bat britches
You gain 2 Muscleboundness
You gain 7 Enchantedness
You gain 1 Roguishness

For the Knob quest, it spent 20+ turns trying to get the Elite outfit, and did not succeed (it only got pantses and helmets). Mostly that's because I'm really unlucky. Though, from what I've heard the Harem route is generally better, so I'm not sure why it tried to do the Barracks (code indicates it only does the Harem if you're not in hardcore, so maybe there's logic behind that I'm not aware of); and I had an Unbearable Light in inventory, which it could have used to get either outfit more quickly, but didn't. Though that might be inefficient, I dunno.


Active member
The reasoning for the Barracks is for the shop... it's the best easy source for MP restoration until you break ronin (or through HC) before the Black Market.


Active member
Whenever I run the script in my boris run, it's choosing all the hats besides my Boris's Hat. I've tried autoselling the ones it's choosing a few times, but it never defaults on the Boris hat, which I'm pretty sure is my best. How do I have it not touch my hat? Thanks.

The problem is that the script likes to use +mainstat which is fine for most cases and the helm doesn't have that. One thing that is probably making the script choose inferiour hats is that mafia doesn't appear to be aware that the helm grants you MP regen based on your level. Had that information been in the database then I think the helm would've been choosen due to that being another thing we maximize for.
I'll go and make a feature request/post about that.

In the meantime in order to get the script to use the helm if you have it and is in a Boris-run you could change the top of the buMax-function to this:
if (my_path() == "Way of the Suprising Fist") maxme += " -weapon -offhand";
if (my_path() == "Avatar of Boris" && i_a("Boris's Helm") > 0) maxme += " +equip Boris's Helm";

But beware that that'll make it chose the helm over any other kind of hat, unless specifically told to equip something else (like an outfit).
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Guyy: After you get done with this ascension, I'd recommend you do a couple HC AT ones and some HC DB ones. Those script a lot easier and then you can pick up some useful skills (cocktail crafting, +mox song, +items song, +passive init, +passive items). After those your runs should be a lot easier. Also if you bank up karma by doing a bunch of AT or DB runs and not perming things, you can then do a PM run and perm some good skills from there easier (leash, springy, pasta cooking).

Once you have the +items, +familiar weight, cooking/mixing skills, +init, your HC runs will be a lot easier. :D


Active member
Also if you bank up karma by doing a bunch of AT or DB runs and not perming things, you can then do a PM run and perm some good skills from there easier (leash, springy, pasta cooking).

Since I find Moxie runs immensly boring I tend to do the opposite. Run a bunch of Myst-runs and then 1 mox-run to perm a lot of skills at ones :)
But I already had quite a lot of skills when I started using the script (and Mafia).


Active member
Or, y'know, run a bunch of AoB runs and perm whatever amuses you at the end of them, while the AoB runs themselves get faster and faster due to gaining two more skills each run. :)


Guyy: After you get done with this ascension, I'd recommend you do a couple HC AT ones and some HC DB ones. Those script a lot easier and then you can pick up some useful skills (cocktail crafting, +mox song, +items song, +passive init, +passive items). After those your runs should be a lot easier. Also if you bank up karma by doing a bunch of AT or DB runs and not perming things, you can then do a PM run and perm some good skills from there easier (leash, springy, pasta cooking).

That's pretty much what I was planning to do, since this script should be able to do Moxie runs more easily, getting around me being too lazy to do them myself. :p Noodles is already half-permed, so I'll probably either finish perming that and partially-perm something else, or put a couple more things on the add-karma-to-this-later rack. (Pasta-crafting is already HP.) Avatar of Boris might be good for that since I'd get 300 karma, and nothing (useful) in that path can be permed anyway as far as I know...

Edit: More useless data from day 3! During its quest to acquire a Knob Cake, it just...stopped, with no abort message. Drinking a Wurstbrau made it start up again for some reason, but then it stopped again. Restarted the script, and it stopped on "We have not completed the stage [knobking]."

BCC: Setting goals of '1 knob frosting'...

Request 1 of 54 (Knob: Cobb's Knob Kitchens) in progress...

[156] Cobb's Knob Kitchens
Encounter: The Cake Boss
You acquire an item: Knob cake pan

Request 2 of 54 (Knob: Cobb's Knob Kitchens) in progress...

[157] Cobb's Knob Kitchens
Encounter: Batter Up!
You acquire an item: Knob batter

Request 3 of 54 (Knob: Cobb's Knob Kitchens) in progress...

[158] Cobb's Knob Kitchens
Encounter: Jacking Frosting
You acquire an item: Knob frosting

Conditions satisfied after 3 adventures.


[manual boozing][/COLOR]

Drinking 1 Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau...
You gain 3 Adventures
You gain 5 Strongness
You gain 6 Mana Points
You gain 1 Drunkenness
BCC: Maximizing '+outfit knob goblin elite guard uniform'
136 combinations checked, best score 32.0
BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
BCC: Setting the default familiar to your choice of 'stocking mimic'.
BCC: Nothing to fax according to whatShouldIFax
Resetting mind control device...
Finished drinking 1 Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau.
Mind control device reset.
BCC: Getting the Knob Pan and Batter
Cleared mood.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Mood swing complete.
Need to Level up a bit to get 34 Mainstat
BCC: levelMe(34, false) called.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Mood swing complete.
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 34 buffed Primestat. This means getting 2 Primestat.
BCC: But, we're a myst class, so we don't really mind about safe moxie that much. We'll only try to get 25 instead.
Mood swing complete.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition already met: Knob cake pan
Condition already met: Knob batter
BCC: Setting goals of '1 Knob cake pan, 1 knob batter'...
BCC: All goals have already been met, moving on.


[manual script restart]
Ascending Starting
BCC: Trying to check bcsrelay_settings on the Bumcheekcity servers.
Level 1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
BCC: levelMe(5, true) called.
Level 2 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
BCC: levelMe(8, true) called.
Level 3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [tavern].
BCC: levelMe(13, true) called.
Level 4 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats2].
BCC: levelMe(20, true) called.
Level 5 Starting
BCC: We have not completed the stage [knobking].


It got the ingredients for the cake, but then got stuck. Made the cake myself--Mafia didn't list it as a craftable?--and restarted the script; it started doing all of this on an infinite loop:

BCC: Maximizing '+outfit knob goblin elite guard uniform'
136 combinations checked, best score 32.0
BCC: Switching Familiar for General Use
BCC: Setting the default familiar to your choice of 'stocking mimic'.
BCC: Nothing to fax according to whatShouldIFax
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
BCC: Getting the Knob Frosting
Cleared mood.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Mood swing complete.
Need to Level up a bit to get 34 Mainstat
BCC: levelMe(34, false) called.
Cleared mood.
Set mood trigger: When I get Just the Best Anapests, uneffect just the best anapests
Mood swing complete.
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 34 buffed Primestat. This means getting 2 Primestat.
BCC: But, we're a myst class, so we don't really mind about safe moxie that much. We'll only try to get 25 instead.
Mood swing complete.
Conditions list cleared.
Condition added: Knob frosting
BCC: Setting goals of '1 knob frosting'...

[160] Cobb's Knob Kitchens
Encounter: Aced the Cakes
Nothing more to do here.

Another script restart later, it forgot all about the cake and went off to the shore. Not enough meat, I went off to farm some, it went back and got the dinghy plans, built the dinghy, got the hippy outfit with an Unbearable Light while leveling, and also got the Spookyraven library key. Then it went to do more leveling in the Laboratory, but kept getting beaten up, sometimes by attacks that did my entire max HP in damage. Wearing the -3 Moxie hippy corduroys (myst maximization?) probably had something to do with that...also, later, it got itself killed by overestimating attack damage:

[226] Dark Elbow of the Woods
Encounter: G imp
Strategy: D:\mafia\ccs\bcc.ccs [default]
Round 0: guyy wins initiative!
BCC: Monster HP is 46
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 23 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 10 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 3 damage from Spaghetti Spear
Round 1: guyy casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
BCC: Monster HP is 46
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 23 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 10 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 3 damage from Spaghetti Spear
BCC: We are going to three-shot with Cannelloni Cannon
Round 2: guyy casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
You gain 25 Meat.
BCC: Monster HP is 25
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 23 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 10 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 3 damage from Spaghetti Spear
BCC: We are going to two-shot with Cannelloni Cannon
Round 3: guyy casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
You lose 26 hit points
BCC: Monster HP is 2
BCC: These are the figures for Cannelloni Cannon: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 23 damage from Cannelloni Cannon
BCC: These are the figures for Ravioli Shurikens: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 10 damage from Ravioli Shurikens
BCC: These are the figures for Spaghetti Spear: Bonus: 0.0 and 1.2%//0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/0.0/El: 0.0/Myst: 52.0
BCC: I expect 3 damage from Spaghetti Spear
BCC: We are going to one-shot with Spaghetti Spear
Round 4: guyy casts SPAGHETTI SPEAR!
You lose 25 hit points

Not sure how that happened. Apparently Spear only did 1 damage, or something. But it did decently well against the Friar beasts from then on...when it got initiative. When it didn't, it usually got beaten up. The healing script doesn't always help since the monsters do so much damage at my level; even at full health I can die in one hit (MCD is off). Need to buy Springy Fusilli, I guess.
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