bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Yeah.. the maximize 5000 moxie max 100 will aim for .2 moxie max, and then stop looking, since 100/5000=.2 so... Also, I believe the order of the keywords might be a bit different:
> maximize 50 moxie, max 1000, -tie

Unrecognized keyword: 0
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

> maximize 50 moxie, 1000 max, -tie

96 combinations checked, best score 3100.0
Also, if you're checking for safe, note you can also use min similar to max... so if you need 100 moxie and you're heavily weighting it, maximize 100 moxie, 10000 min, 10000 max, -tie will get you 100 points of moxie, with a fail if unable to reach it, but not trying to surpass it by too much...
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Active member
Thanks for your changes, Winterbay. I've integrated everything except for the Bats and Harem bit, which I'll do this weekend.


Active member
I did a small change to the telescope code apart from that the otehr day (since you really don't need to check to know what is there...):
if (get_property("telescopeUpgrades") >= 1 && my_path() != "Bees Hate You") {
	if(get_property("lastTelescopeReset") != get_property("knownAscensions")) cli_execute("telescope");
	for i from get_property("telescopeUpgrades").to_int() downto 1 {
		telescopetext = get_property("telescope"+i);
		level = telescope[telescopetext];
		if ((get_property("bcasc_stage_"+level.section) == my_ascensions() || level.section == "") && (level.loc != "")) {
			if (i_a(level.thing) == 0) {
				bumAdv(to_location(level.loc), "", "items", "1 "+level.thing, "Getting "+level.a+level.thing+" for the NS tower because we have finished the stage '"+level.section+" in this script.");
			} else {
				print("BCC: You have at least one "+level.thing+" for telescope part "+i, "purple");
		} else {
			print("BCC: You haven't completed the stage '"+level.section+"' for the "+level.thing+" for telescope part "+i, "purple");
if(my_path() == "Bees Hate You" && i_a("packet of orchid seeds") > 0 && i_a("tropical orchid") == 0)
	use(1, $item[packet of orchid seeds]);

Stops you getting 1-6 messages of the type "You have not yet finished the part """ :)


Active member
From the version I uploaded the change is in the first line where it skips the telescope-checking if you're in BHY (at least I don't think that was in there...)
if (get_property("telescopeUpgrades") >= 1 && my_path() != "Bees Hate You") {


New member
For some reason I did not have enough Myst when reaching the level 11 quest.
This causes the script to adventure in Bathroom to get 60 Myst.
Unfortunately my Bathroom goal is usually set to Moxie substats to level faster during the script's GMOB hunting.

How do other people handle this dilemma?
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Active member
Changing that while-loop to:
	while (my_basestat($stat[Mysticality]) < 60) {
		//Gotta level somewhere, don't we?
		int[int] before;
		before[0] = to_int(get_property("choiceAdventure105"));
		before[1] = to_int(get_property("choiceAdventure402"));
		bumAdv($location[Haunted Bathroom], "", "", "60 mysticality", "Getting 60 myst to equip the fledges", "-");
might be worth doing.


New member
Changing that while-loop to:
... snip
might be worth doing.

Thank you very much. I think I will change that in my local copy in case I run into that situation again.

However if the script is trying to move towards 4 day ascensions then I think it would be better to skip this needless Myst leveling and just equip the Pirate outfit instead.


Active member
Can you just equip the pirate outfit instead of the fledges? I should just do that then. I always thought you HAD to have the fledges.


Active member
The benefit with the fledges is that you free up 2 other slots, and get +7 to all stats. But I guess apart from that it should work the same.

I found an error in my version with the change to try and get Mafia to autoplant the bean for me instead of useing it and getting beaten up (in BHY). It looped until the plains had the beanstalk in it before it actually tried to plant the bean so...

Changed bcascAirship() to:
boolean bcascAirship() {
	if (checkStage("airship")) return true;
	while (i_a("enchanted bean") == 0) {
		bumAdv($location[Beanbat Chamber], "", "items", "1 enchanted bean", "Getting an Enchanted Bean");
	cli_execute("set choiceAdventure182 = 2");
	string airshipGoals = "1 metallic A, 1 S.O.C.K.";
	if (!in_hardcore() || my_path() == "Bees Hate You")  airshipGoals = "1 S.O.C.K.";
	while (index_of(visit_url("beanstalk.php"), "castle.gif") == -1) {
		bumAdv($location[Fantasy Airship], "", "itemsnc", airshipGoals, "Opening up the Castle by adventuring in the Airship", "-i");
	cli_execute("use * fantasy chest");
	checkStage("airship", true);
	return true;


Active member
I think changing the offending section to:

	while (i_a("enchanted bean") == 0 && !contains_text(visit_url("plains.php"), "beanstalk.gif"))
		bumAdv($location[Beanbat Chamber], "", "items", "1 enchanted bean", "Getting an Enchanted Bean");

Should work better.


Active member
Does Mafia autoplant a bean if you have the quest active at that point? Because otherwise you'll still end up with an infinite loop...


If you auto-adventure in the fantasy airship, Mafia should auto-plant the bean if needed. I guess it works with adventure() too.


Active member
Does Mafia autoplant a bean if you have the quest active at that point? Because otherwise you'll still end up with an infinite loop...

It autoplants when you adventure in the airship. With the while loop above, it won't get one if you have one, and it won't get one if you've already planted one.


New member
Can you just equip the pirate outfit instead of the fledges? I should just do that then. I always thought you HAD to have the fledges.

BTW. Just to be clear.
You still need to get the fledges to unlock the next location on the ship, but you do not need to equip the fledges to adventure there.

Jar of Jam

Is there any particular reason why the script takes Hobo Monkey for some boss fights, like the Lord Spookyraven ? I can understand the Organ Grinder as the top choice, but having a +meat familiar as a second choice is just strange. Especially considering the fact that the meat gain is almost non-existant.