bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

The Giant's castle thing was a problem in Mafia with it not doing that automatically. It should do so again now so that should go away from that if nothing else.

Also: I generally add in my COffee Pixie manually in the files since I like it a lot better than the normal fairy :)
I must say, I'm pretty impressed with this script. On my multi using this script the run was only 8% longer turn wise than the previous run I manually did, and I know the script messed up on the intergalactic rowboat and burned a bunch of turns there before I noticed it and stopped it.

I just jumped the gash on him again and I'm trying out 0.13. :)
I like shieldbutt, entangling and rage of the reindeer for muscle runs. If I have a good chance of hitting I just use attack, otherwise if I can afford the MP I run max ML with shieldbutt.

I use entangling with flavour cannons on mystic runs (I don't have the spheres and sauce attacks permed yet for synergy through the whole run).

So for how I run, 3 perms for each type might work.
I run massively subobtimal... Attack for everything. Regardless of permed skills. Simplifies things, since I've been running BM for the last 3-6 months (it all just sort of blends together).

After I leave BM and I commit never to have to do that again... I'll likely start being more optimal. But yeah... all 6 classes, outmoxie the enemies (generally using the ballroom to get there), then attack with weapon until they're full of little tiny pokey holes. If muscle permits, use melee weapon for better damage. If not, use ranged. CCS is SmartStasis on everything, hacked to only stasis 10 rounds instead of 26, and then after the stasis ends, zarqon's spamattack is actually integrated into the SS script file.
Ok, I started running 0.13 today. It did the airship fine, did the giants fine (made the rowboat, yay) but it messed up on the star items. I was chatting away with some clannies not paying attention and then looked over and saw I was on adventure 66 in the Hole in the Sky.

I stopped the script and told mafia to create the items in 1 adventure, it made the items without needing to use an adventure. After making the items I have 48 lines, 43 stars and 4 star charts left over.

I'm not sure why it didn't stop when it had enough of each. :(
A thought, if I have Instant Karma in my current run, and I'm over lvl9 so they are available, make the script favor them over getting coffee sticks and similar items?

EDIT: The relay script, when saving, add a lil note that show that something have happened. As it is now, nothing show that the settings have actually been saved.

Elemental gravy fairies aren't going to be considered. There are a few times in the game (Hippoking points one out) where an attacking familiar could well be a pain in the arse. In order to get around those, I ignore all fairies other than those three. In fairness, I could probably extend the list to a few Mr. A familiars.
Yeh I can see where stasis is a pretty good tactic, Junkyard being a prime example, where attacking familiars would be bad. Also, yes, I can see that sticking to one familiar is better than using more, since they level up and get more powerful. Was just a thought =)
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To be honest, no point of having a fairy in the junkyard either way. Might as well use a stat familiar. Or a jack, but that's just fiddly.

I think Hippkoking nailed it with the adding machine.
A little problem with the script it seems.
I got the same problem with the Hole in the Sky. It gathered a lot of materials and I have star charts left so it was not that =S

Also, another bug:
Request 4 of 4 (Manor2: Haunted Ballroom) in progress...

[852]     Haunted Ballroom
Encounter: zombie waltzers
Strategy: attack with     weapon
Round 0: ferdawoon wins initiative!
Round 1: ferdawoon     executes a macro!
Round 1: ferdawoon tries to steal an item!
You     lose 9 hit points
Round 2: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 3: ferdawoon     attacks!
Round 4: ferdawoon attacks!
Round 5: ferdawoon attacks!
You     gain 192 Meat
You acquire an item: ballroom blintz
You gain 9     Strengthliness
You gain 6 Magicalness
You gain 19 Roguishness

BCC:     Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening     the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the     Spookyraven Cellar

If I restart the scripts, this is what I get:
Ascending Starting
Level 1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage [pantry].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 5 base Moxie
Level 2 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [spookyforest].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 8 base Moxie
Level 3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [guild2].
BCC: We have completed the stage [tavern].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 13 base Moxie
Level 4 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We have completed the stage [bats2].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 20 base Moxie
Level 5 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage [8bit].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 29 base Moxie
Level 6 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We have completed the stage [friarssteel].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 40 base Moxie
Level 7 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [manor2ndfloor].
BCC: We have completed the stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have completed the stage [innaboxen].
BCC: We have completed the stage [manorbedroom].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 53 base Moxie
Level 8 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [trapper].
BCC: We have completed the stage [wand].
BCC: We have completed the stage [piratefledges].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 68 base Moxie
Level 9 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [chasm].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 85 base Moxie
Level 10 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [airship].
BCC: We have completed the stage [castle].
BCC: We have completed the stage [hits].
Need to Level up a bit to get at least 104 base Moxie
Level 11 Starting
BCC: We have not completed the stage [macguffinprelim].
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
BCC: Opening the Spookyraven Cellar
KoLmafia declares world peace.

On a slightly unrelated note, anyone know why, when I copy text from Mafia's CLI, it paste it in with 4 spaces at some places?

EDIT: Ehhm it seems I'm a bit tired. I am out of adventures atm, which could be the reason it bugged out.
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A little problem with the script it seems.
I got the same problem with the Hole in the Sky. It gathered a lot of materials and I have star charts left so it was not that =S
The script uses "1 star hat" as the condition. My guess is that Mafia doesn't auto-make the star hat, even if you have enough lines and stars. This might be another side-effect of Jason's concoction change. I'll try to test if creating goal items still works after RO, when I have some advs.

If this is the problem, I think these two lines should be added in Kolmafia.java:
// Make sure concoctions haven't been deferred
ConcoctionDatabase.deferRefresh( false );
ConcoctionDatabase.deferRefresh( true );
but I'm not sure where they should be added (probably around line 1299, in executeRequest() ).

EDIT: I used some runaways to test this. With 1 bum cheek in my inventory, I put "1 asshat" as a goal, and adventured in the sleazy back alley until I obtained a second bum cheek. Mafia created the asshat and stopped adventuring without any problem.

Jason's concoction change isn't the issue ^^
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To be honest, no point of having a fairy in the junkyard either way. Might as well use a stat familiar. Or a jack, but that's just fiddly.

Or use one of the NS familiars to get them leveled up. I mean if the familiar doesn't matter, then use one of the NS ones that needs it the most.
Awesome script. I'm starting using it at level 10 and it seems to be coping; I just edited out the steel item obtaining from the friars. Another thing that would be nice is if the script did not automatically complete guild test 2, as it doesn't need to be done any more.
A little late to the party, but wanted to chime in on non-moxie strategies. Muscle is probably easiest; you can just treat as a moxie class until a shield is acquired, and then test safe vs. muscle for those with hero. Whether to speed up 4-6 leveling by making a meat shield is a tough question, but for the rest of the run that should work almost as well as moxie classes (except for those w/o hero, for which the best solution may just be "this script isn't for you"). Myst classes may need to have "tiered" requirments, as using sauce synergy in class is so much superior to anything else. Probably test vs. that, then vs. any general-purpose spells, then shrug and go moxie.
I'm using V13 now. I thought it might fix the spleener priority issue, but it hasn't. For HCO the top concern is getting your spleen filled daily. For some reason the script doesn't seem care about spleen anymore. For the last two days I've had to manually run a spleener just to get drops to fill my spleen. Not just the 15-20th, but any spleen drops.

Is there some setting I should check?
Or use one of the NS familiars to get them leveled up. I mean if the familiar doesn't matter, then use one of the NS ones that needs it the most.

Ah, right, haven't actually gotten those familiars past 1 outside of BM in the longest time. Leash + sympathy + empathy + pet-buffing spray handles it cheaply enough, generally. And it doesn't really contribute much considering that you don't actually know which familiars are going to be used, so it's a stab in the dark.
Maxing combats is always better, at least in the Hippy Camp in Hippy Gear. The Frat Camp in Frat Gear is bugged, but who cares?

A noncombat gives you a 16.7% chance of your first outfit piece, a 20% chance of your second and a 25% chance of your last. It also gives you the same number chance at +100 mainstat. These things cannot be increased.

A combat gives you a 30% chance of each outfit piece, and 20 mainstat. These can be increased drastically using pickpocket, +ML and +items. Since you'll be outmoxing them before the script sends you there anyway, it's obviously better to do +combat. It can also be noted that if you get a couple of drops from a combat, that'll increase your chances of getting the last from the NCs just like getting them from NCs would.

Note that the numbers for the noncoms are reliant on the NCs being equal likelihood - in my (exceptionally limited) experience they're less likely but that might just be observation bias. It also ignores queue effects, but given the prior pirce of information, I'm really comfortable with that.

Or I can manually adventure in the Hippy camp and yellow ray the gear and get it in 1 adventure. ;)

Maybe that can be a choice for the script if you have a he-boulder or pumpkin bomb and pick hippy for fighting the war?

I haven't thought of anything else during the war I'd absolutely need a yellow ray on to speed things up, unless I needed gremlin juice for the lair but I could come back for that and yellow ray it.
Would you consider adding a skill check before adding a mood trigger? I don't have the trivial skills HP, the script keeps adding them, and mafia aborts.

Or, would you consider incorporating such changes if I wrote them up?

Not a huge deal of course - I can just comment out the one buff in the script myself.
slyz, the Hole in the Sky has been a PITA since about 0.7. I don't know what happened, but it always used to work perfectly with a simple bumAdv() call with "1 star hat, 1 star crossbow, 1 Richard's Star Key" as the condition. I never found out what happened to change that.
Or I can manually adventure in the Hippy camp and yellow ray the gear and get it in 1 adventure. ;)

Maybe that can be a choice for the script if you have a he-boulder or pumpkin bomb and pick hippy for fighting the war?

I haven't thought of anything else during the war I'd absolutely need a yellow ray on to speed things up, unless I needed gremlin juice for the lair but I could come back for that and yellow ray it.

I thought it already was :o
At least the script bring out the He-boulder and stasis until Yellow Ray when going for the normal Hippy outfit and the Pirate outfit (unless still affected by Yellow eyes) and I am pretty sure it have done so for the lvl12 war outfits as well, at least in the past.
slyz, the Hole in the Sky has been a PITA since about 0.7. I don't know what happened, but it always used to work perfectly with a simple bumAdv() call with "1 star hat, 1 star crossbow, 1 Richard's Star Key" as the condition. I never found out what happened to change that.

Perhaps related to this?
That's what I was thinking, but the little test I did seemed to show that auto-creating a goal item after you gather enough ingredients works, and stops the auto-adventuring.