bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


Active member
Since the script sets a lot of settings I guess that if you went by the king in 0.10 it will not think it needs to go back later on even if you run a version that does not have this bug. Or?


On problems with the mood casting, mafia's behaviour has always been to completely ignore skills you don't have. So I could freely set madrigal, the two moxie trivial skills, etc, and it would only cast them if you had them, else it would simply silently continue. Has this behaviour changed?

That I don't know. I tried to investigate why mafia wasn't letting me adventure in the same way that lightwolf and Winterbay just described as well. Clearing the mood let me adventure manually, and so I next tried not setting skills I didn't have and that appeared to fix the problem as well.

It's very possible that I missed something and thought I had fixed the problem when it was something else entirely. I don't pretend to know all that much about mafia. :)


The king is not killed until 75 moxie. There is a bug in 0.10 which causes it to think the king is dead once you've got the harem outfit. This is fixed in 0.11 I'm fairly sure.

I am at level 9, Mox 106 (84) and the King is alive. Looks like the King is a Level 5 thing. Do I have to kill him manually since Level 5 has been marked complete?

EDIT: I ran the King portion of the script in CLI
ash import <bumcheekascend v0.11.ash> cli_execute("maximize mox -melee"); if (my_buffedstat($stat[Moxie]) >= 75) { cli_execute("mcd 7"); bumAdv($location[King's Chamber], "mox +outfit harem", "", "", "Killing the Knob King"); }
It killed the king. The code is there. It might be that since I was past that point, it was marked done and would not kill him.
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Active member
What version are you using? Oh, actually, it turns out I didn't fix that bug in 0.11 anyway. Fixed it in 0.12.
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Cloverless and funhouse call

Here is what I get when I run the script. (Latest daily build and BCC v0.11)
> call scripts\Ascend\bumcheekascend v0.11.ash

Ascending     Starting
Level     1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [pantry].
Level 2 Starting
BCC:     We have completed the stage [guild1].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [spookyforest].
Level     3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [guild2].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [tavern].
Level 4 Starting
BCC:     We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [bats2].
Level 5     Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [8bit].
Level 6 Starting
BCC:     We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [friarssteel].
Level     7 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [manor2ndfloor].
BCC: We have completed the     stage [cyrpt].
BCC: We have not completed the     stage [innaboxen].
BCC: You have the option     for a cloverless ascention turned on, so we won't be using them.
BCC:     Going to try to make a chef
BCC: Visiting     the guild to unlock the funhouse
BCC:     Visiting the guild to unlock the funhouse
The funhouse continues until I ESC. This is the LEW issue during a cloverless run.
I put in this cloverless check around line 1785.
void bcs7() {
	[B]if (!bcasc_cloverless)[/B] bcascInnaboxen();
	levelMe(53, true);
Now the code runs past that and adventures.
> call scripts\Ascend\bumcheekascend v0.11.ash

Ascending     Starting
Level     1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [toot].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [knob].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [pantry].
Level 2 Starting
BCC:     We have completed the stage [guild1].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [spookyforest].
Level     3 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [guild2].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [tavern].
Level 4 Starting
BCC:     We have completed the stage [bats1].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [meatcar].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [bats2].
Level 5     Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [knobking].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [dinghy].
BCC: We have completed the stage     [8bit].
Level 6 Starting
BCC:     We have completed the stage [friars].
BCC: We     have completed the stage [friarssteel].
Level     7 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage     [manor2ndfloor].
BCC: We have completed the     stage [cyrpt].
Level 8 Starting
BCC:     We have not completed the stage [trapper].
BCC:     We have completed the stage [trapper] and need to set it as so.
bcasc_stage_trapper     => 1
BCC: We have completed the stage [trapper].
BCC:     We have not completed the stage [wand].
BCC:     We have completed the stage [wand] and need to set it as so.
bcasc_stage_wand     => 1
BCC: We have completed the stage [wand].
BCC:     We have not completed the stage [piratefledges].
Conditions list     cleared.
Condition already met: Substats: 0 / 0 / 0

I     had enough buffed moxie anyway.
Putting on Swashbuckling Getup...
Equipment     changed.
Searching for "the big book of pirate insults"...
Purchasing     The Big Book of Pirate Insults (1 @ 500)...
You acquire an item: The     Big Book of Pirate Insults
You spent 500 Meat
Purchases complete.
BCC:     Adventuring once at a time to meet the Cap'm for the first time.
Seems to be working, but I do not know the long term implications of changing that line.


Having no HC skills permed, do I have to go to the trainers and buy them myself as I get the meat? It looks like the script does not buy them. Having said that, what order is the best to train them for a DB?

It looks like sucker punch is used in the script. Which others?


Active member
SUcker punch is your standard level 0 skill so you always have that. Any skills above that you will have to buy yourself as you move along.

Edit: As for order, I have no idea :)


What version are you using? Oh, actually, it turns out I didn't fix that bug in 0.11 anyway. Fixed it in 0.12.
Sweet, was just about to say that I was not really sure if I used v11 or v10 but I know that early on i went here to check for updates, so I am pretty sure I started my run with v11 this time.

Having no HC skills permed, do I have to go to the trainers and buy them myself as I get the meat? It looks like the script does not buy them. Having said that, what order is the best to train them for a DB?

It looks like sucker punch is used in the script. Which others?

What Winterbay said about buying the skills.

About the order, Myself I have no idea and I would not dream of saying that I even try to play optimally. I play it the way I think is fun to play it.
However, you could have a look at this wiki page and then make your own decisions on how you want to perm them.


Active member
The epic weapons thing for cloverless runs was fixed in 0.11. The innaboxen part is fixed in 0.12.

tgetgel, there are no long-term implications for changing that line. Ideally, the cloverless check should be inside the epicweapons() function, but it's irrelevant for practical purposes.


If you run out of adventures right after getting the fertilizer, you get stuck in an infinite loop:

		while (item_amount($item[spooky sapling]) == 0) {
			[b]if (my_adventures() == 0) abort("No Adventures");[/b]
			cli_execute("mood execute");
If I might make a suggestion, it would be useful to add some new function like "adv_url()" which does a visit_url(), but also does basic pre-adventuring checks like curing beaten up, restoring hp and mp, executing moods, aborting if there aren't adventures, etc. I think that would clean up a number of places in the code where this is an issue.

(Also, just to share, this script just finished a 6-day ascension for me. Thanks again!)


Active member
Ran into an interesting error today that I've no idea why or how it happened but somehow the preference for the pirate fledges was set before I got them so at level 11 it failed to go to the poop deck/fcl'e since I didn't have it. Just throwing that oddity out there. I reset the preference to not be my_ascencions() and it went and got it and continued on just fine.

It keeps doing this while in the hidden city. It is odd...
[960] Hidden City (Square 14)
Encounter: ancient protector spirit
Round 0: winterbay wins initiative!
(unable to macrofy due to action: consult SmartStasis.ash)
obsidian dagger (100.0 @ +122.31415): 0.0 meat * 100.0% = 0.0
Monster value: 0
Profit per round: 0
Checking for unidentified potions...
This monster is not your huckleberry.
BCC: Finished the combat. Let's carry on.
Encounter: ancient protector spirit
Round 0: winterbay loses initiative!
You're still in the middle of a combat!
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Active member
Ran into an interesting error today that I've no idea why or how it happened but somehow the preference for the pirate fledges was set before I got them so at level 11 it failed to go to the poop deck/fcl'e since I didn't have it. Just throwing that oddity out there. I reset the preference to not be my_ascencions() and it went and got it and continued on just fine.

It keeps doing this while in the hidden city. It is odd...
[960] Hidden City (Square 14)
Encounter: ancient protector spirit
Round 0: winterbay wins initiative!
(unable to macrofy due to action: consult SmartStasis.ash)
obsidian dagger (100.0 @ +122.31415): 0.0 meat * 100.0% = 0.0
Monster value: 0
Profit per round: 0
Checking for unidentified potions...
This monster is not your huckleberry.
BCC: Finished the combat. Let's carry on.
Encounter: ancient protector spirit
Round 0: winterbay loses initiative!
You're still in the middle of a combat!

I'm going to go along the route of blaming smartstasis here.


Active member
Fair enough :)
Since I've lost my USB-stick with my normal Mafia installationon my CSS is slightly less advanced than it used to be (i.e. mainly Smartstasis) and this could be a fault thereof. Did the last part manually and that worked well as might've been expected :)


Active member
Seems almost like your CCS for that might be JUST consult smart smasis, and no combat following? No attack with weapon, no consult spamattack, no cast spectral snapper... just the first consult, that finished, and... wait, what do you mean combat's still on? :D


Again, this might be a KoLMafia problem and not with the script, but it fail to maintain buffs in my Mood for me.
Bashing pirates in Barrrney's Barrr to open up the other zones it dropped both the Butt-rock hair and moxious madigral, making me get completly owned but the embarassed pirates every turn. It did not stop the script to keep adventyring there though.

Is this failing to maintain a mood a Mafia problem or a script problem?

Also, maybe add a checker when getting Beaten up to see if you are still ok to adventure where you were adventuring? If not, then modify with buffs or gear or powerlevel somewhere. This would be nice in case buffs drop out or if it is tricky to change the Moxie checker to not check for Barrrney's barrr in general but instead check for the Safe Moxie level of the embarassed pirates.

Doing the Strange Leaflet, the script get the stats, and all the items. However, can you add a command after the leaflet have been completed to use the Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM) and put it at your campground?
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Active member
Seems almost like your CCS for that might be JUST consult smart smasis, and no combat following? No attack with weapon, no consult spamattack, no cast spectral snapper... just the first consult, that finished, and... wait, what do you mean combat's still on? :D

It currently looks like this:
[ default ]
consult SmartStasis.ash
consult spamattack.ash

THis appears to break the relaybrowser-script button as well as after Mafia exits out of SmartStasis it just sits there and does nothing (the button goes to an "again" instead of "script"), clicking it again leads to "you twiddle your thumbs" and the button going back to "script". Have not clicked it again from there, but have finished the combats with my own KOL-macros instead.


New member
Hi, I'm a first time user of your script, decided to see what it could do by starting a HC run and relying on it.

After auto-selling the gems from my last run, I clicked to run the script and it whipped out my volley and went to gain exp... Now, I am concerned because I have a volley/fairy familiar and surely that's more optimal. Is this taken into account? What can I do about it.

Thanks appreciated.


Active member
You don't have a volleyfairy. You have a volleychaun. Unless you do have a volleyfairy, in which case I want one :D

And no, it doesn't take them into account. I'll clean up the familiar logic shortly, but now crimbos here, the script is slightly on the backburner for a few weeks.