bumcheekascend.ash - Relay Script

hi i have a problem with the hilarious comedy prop, is there anyway i can stop the script from always equipping it when i run? i dont understand why it does it when there are other perfectly fine weapons available. im in hard core by the way as a SC.
So I am really bad a mafia, somehow all discription for this relay script has disappeared when I run it. Do other people have that problem? How I am to know what is being asked? Is this something that I may have affected with other scripts, or accidentally changed with Zlibs or somthing? Is it an issue with Chrome?

Thanks for any thoughts
Try going to your data-folder and deleting all files that start with "bcs", in this case specifically "bcsrelay_settings.txt" and rerun the script. The file sometimes gets corrupted which can lead to the problem of nothing showing.
I use regular old FireFox, and that didn't do anything for me, just got a warning that I didn't have any settings specified and therefore BCA would assume certain things. Now I'm stuck again after finally getting BCA to work for me. Help us Obi Wan Winterbay, you're our only hope! >.<
I'm having a problem in a script with using file_to_map() on an URL, maybe a recent Mafia change is causing this.

duh, this isn't because of batbrain.txt, so probably not related to file_to_map().
Well, this does use the same basic idea so could be related I guess. In as much as if you delete your file and the script tires to redownload it you'll end up with an empty file.
GO to your /data-folder and delete bcsrelay_settings.txt and rerun the scirpt and it should (hopefully) resolve itself.
I'm not sure if I screwed something up or what here, but every time I ascend I seem to be getting the drunkeneness adventures at barney's bar when insult farming. It's the 3 drunk and stats adventure.
BCA doesn't set that so either you've set it to that manually or your newLife-script analogue does it for you...
Is this thing still up to date? It keeps whining there's a new version available every time I check it.
Yeah, it looks for v0.1 on the first page and that isn't there. The version of the script claims to be v0.2 (even though the comment in the script still only says 0.1). My suggestion is to comment out the version checking... :)

Edit: Interesting fact: There is no way to download thsi script at the moment since it is no longer in the SVN and there is no file in the first post. I'll check it into the BCAscend SVN so that it gets placed in the /relay folder automatically. Just as well really (I'll remove version checking as well since it isn't working anyway...)

Edit, edit: r289
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When collecting pirate insults it just went with my standard CCS (attack with weapon) instead of specifically trying to use the book of insults. I fixed my CCS, but perhaps it could attempt to use the book first regardless of a person's CCS. I don't know if it's within the script's power to mix actions into a CCS or what though.
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