Feature - Implemented Brooding Grounds-Sealhide Cloak Goal


By default the Brooding Grounds goals have the Sealhide Cloak amongst the rest of the outfit, but if you are unfortunate enough to have a character that still does not have the Torso Awareness skill yet then Phinias does not offer the Cloak as an item he can make.

Unfortunately what happens is the Goal is never completed (as you can never make the cloak) and one could use up all remaining adventures there if left unchecked. The failure to make the cloak also doesn't give useful output as to the need for the Torso skill.

As the Cloak isn't part of the Frigid Northlands Garb I guess the easy fix would be to just remove it from the default goals but more informative failure info or a check for the Torso skill might be a more elegant solution.


There are 2 sets of goals, the set for the nemesis quest and the trophy. I've added a third goal for just the outfit pieces. I do not know enough to make the goal produce an error if you don't have Torso.

Committed revision 8885.