Bug - Fixed BRICKO eye bricks should be consumed upon BRICKO bat creation


When I make a BRICKO bat, it doesn't remove the eye brick from my inventory.

> inv bricko

BRICKO brick (24)
BRICKO stud (3)

> acquire bricko eye

Searching for "BRICKO eye brick"...
Search complete.
Purchasing BRICKO eye brick (1 @ 100)...
Purchases complete.

> inv bricko

BRICKO brick (24)
BRICKO eye brick
BRICKO stud (3)

> make bricko bat

Verifying ingredients for BRICKO bat (1)...
You acquire an item: BRICKO bat
Successfully created BRICKO bat (1)

> inv bricko

BRICKO brick (24)
BRICKO eye brick
BRICKO stud (3)
17800 should fix this, and probably doesn't break anything else in the process.

Turns out that using the items is handled differently than trying to create the item.

The same change should be needed for SingleUseRequest, but my test case (a bad-ass club) is instead telling me I lack a prerequisite, which is just confusing when I can use an ingot just fine...
And 17801 has the same fix for SingleUseRequest. I have no idea what's up with the failure to make a bad-ass club, but that shouldn't be related to the code I've been messing with recently.
You can "use" an ingot to get a bad-ass club?

concoctions.txt says:


"WEAPON" means Super-Advanced Meatsmithing. Every other recipe which requires that uses WSMITH, which is essentially SMITH + WEAPON.
"HAMMER" means you have a Tenderizing Hammer.

Perhaps you don't really require a hammer?
I have one anyway. Looks like ConcoctionDatabase needs some code to recognize when that requirement is met. Or that CraftingRequirement can be removed entirely, if it's wrong for that single item.