Feature - Implemented Breakable items and Maximizer


Am considering adding a tiebreaker to Maximizer based on breakability. Basically given a choice, say, between Sugar Shield and Astral Pet Sweater, maximizer should prefer the one that doesn't break in a few turns.

I know sugar items are breakable like this, and antique items, what others are there ?
The snow suit lose effectiveness based on how long you've used it for, while the stinky foldables increase in effectiveness. I suppose that is a different category though, although maybe something which should be taken into consideration as well.
Maximizer is only ever point in time, and handles that.

This is more for things that appear equal to maximizer, but one will break and the other won't.
I suppose the cozy equipment from the sea would count as breakable. Depending on what you have available, I think it's possible to make a very specific maximization that would select one of those instead of a nonbreakable thing.