Feature Boris Songs


So, while I'm pretty sure this isn't a big priority for anyone else, it could save some minor headaches.

Similar to Clover Protection, could a Boris Song Protection possibly happen? Something to, if you have an "adventurable" Song available to you (anything but Glorious Lunch) but either no Song buff or just Glorious Lunch, you get a prompt to cast prior to adventuring.

Yes, I realize I could use a mood, but then there's times where you need different Song buffs. While Accompaniment will work as a default-ish one most of the time, there are times where Solitude, Combat or Fortune (maybe even Cockiness) is going to be preferred and, aside from deleting and adding buffs to the mood, I'm not sure how this would be accomplished.


Staff member
You could use a betweenBattleScript that casts Accompaniment if you don't already have a Boris song active (and you are Boris and have Accompaniment available). That doesn't necessarily mean this is a bad request.


Active member
Since songs are a type of skill, you could put an always mood in effect that aborts if you don't have an effect caused by a skill of type 'song' currently.

I'd personally want automated warnings off, since, well, I tend to lazy-Boris and trying to track what's good at a specific time, as well as whether or not the MP to cast and maintain it will make sense given when I'll next be gloriously lunching... meh.