Automation settings reset on ascension


New member
Heyo! I've noticed that KolMafia resets some of its automation settings - particularly its HP/MP Usage settings - when your character ascends and resets to level 1. I can understand that early-level characters don't have the resources to upkeep the several dozen buffs that they might've been running before ascending, but the biggest issue is that the threshold for recovering health and mana is automatically set to "Don't recover", which has been really throwing me off. Is there a setting somewhere where I can disable this reset on ascension, or at least adjust the settings for it? I've dug through the Preferences menu, and I can't find it, or at least nothing obvious.


Staff member
Go to Preferences/Automation
Put a script name into the "Post-Ascension" box.
That will be run immediately after you ascend.
It could be a CLI (.txt), ASH (.ash) or JS (.js) script.

For example, if you create PostAscension.ash, you could put the following into it:

set_property( "hpAutoRecovery", "0.25" );
set_property( "hpAutoRecoveryTarget", "1.0" );
set_property( "mpAutoRecovery", "0.35" );
set_property( "mpAutoRecoveryTarget", "0.50" );
set_property( "battleAction", "custom combat script" );

Customize as desired, of course.


New member
Oh boy, I gotta learn how to write code in order to automate effectively? Laaaaaaaame.

( I'm joking, thank you very much. :) )


Staff member
You could just use a CLI script.
set hpAutoRecovery=0.25
set hpAutoRecoveryTarget=1.0
set mpAutoRecovery=0.35
set mpAutoRecoveryTarget=0.50
set battleAction=custom combat script

But some things do require a bit of programming.

Here is my PostAscension.ash script.
Note that this year's Standard disallows everything.
So it goes! :)

if ( my_path() == $path[ Kingdom of Exploathing ] ) {
    // cli_execute( "place.php?whichplace=exploathing&action=expl_council" );

if ( is_unrestricted( $item[ Kremlin's Greatest Briefcase ] ) ) {
    cli_execute( "briefcase unlock" );
    cli_execute( "briefcase enchantment prismatic init adventures" );

if ( is_unrestricted( $item[ SongBoom™ BoomBox Box ] ) ) {
    cli_execute( "boombox food" );

if ( is_unrestricted( $item[ backup camera ] ) ) {
    // Enable reverser on the backup camera
    cli_execute("backupcamera reverse on");

if ( is_unrestricted( $item[ Source terminal ] ) ) {
    cli_execute("terminal educate extract");
    cli_execute("terminal educate digitize");