autoGlacier -- Automates Daily Quest At Cold Charter


New member
As the title says, this automates the daily bucket quest at the new cold charter.

Due to the relative complexity of the bucket quest compared to the other charters, there are a few toggles to change fundamental behavior. You can:
  • Change if the script grabs the daily currency non-combat choices [default: it does]
  • Change if the script adventures in the Ice Hole until you run out of fishy (it will attempt to use a fishy pipe if enabled) [default: it does not]
  • Change if the script intentionally doesn't finish the bucket quest [default: it finishes the quest]
  • Prioritize which bucket quests are chosen first
You can (and for the ice hole option, should!) modify the familiar, outfit, and autoattacks it will use for each quest. Each quest can also have a preferred zone set -- currently the script defaults to the Ice Hotel for every bucket item that can be filled at the hotel NC. If a rare item is stolen by the dolphins in the Ice Hole, the script will attempt to use a dolphin whistle to retrieve it.

If you run the script after having visited the once/daily currency NCs (or, when useFishy is set to true, used a fishy pipe) outside of mafia, the script may stop and require you to swap the appropriate toggles to be able to execute that day.

The option to leave the quest unfinished was added in so you can slowly progress on a quest each day while grabbing the daily NC currency. This is much more turn efficient but also slower.

If a bucket quest is finished while performing the daily currency or Ice Hole sections, the script will attempt to grab a new one. If it cannot, it will either finish that section (daily currency) or stop execution (Ice Hole).

I would also recommend for anyone that isn't aware of this feature yet to check out the wiki information on "revision merging" to allow your outfit/familiar/etc. variables to survive script updates.

svn checkout

Edit: It was suggested I provide a quick link to my similar scripts. autoDinsey and autoConspiracy are the same idea for their respective charters.

Edit 2: With the fishy pipe & currency NC variables now in use, that area should be less of a risk for edge-case failure.
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There's settings that track whether you've gotten the daily certificates today.

I'm not familiar enough with ASH to immediately see how to use that info, but I could probably figure it out if I stared at it long enough. (I already figured out how to equip the das boot iff necessary BD )
Oh wow, I wish I had seen those settings earlier. I had even made an effort to find some.

I'll do a rewrite of that subsection and test it out tomorrow. Should be pretty straightforward. Thanks for pointing those out!
Oh, and here's the das boot edit I used, if you want it.
	if (!boolean_modifier("Underwater Familiar"))
		equip($slot[familiar], $item[das boot]);
	if (item_amount($item[fishy pipe]) > 0)
		use(1,$item[fishy pipe]);

Just add the second and third lines; the rest is context.

(I'm learning things today!)
I updated the script to use mafia's tracking of the NC visits. It should now be able to be run twice on the same day without requiring the grabDaily variable to be changed, unless you used those NC choices outside of mafia.

Edit: Did the same for the fishy pipe.

Oh, and here's the das boot edit I used, if you want it.
That's not really how I'd want to work such an option in. At a latter date I hope to add in another toggle for minor equipment changes (e.g. the hex key) that are plainly "obvious." I'll take your idea as a suggestion to add "das boot" to that setting and include that too :)

For now I'm not worried about that specific option as the default is to not visit the ice hole.
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Yeah. Just for clarification if that's not clear to anyone: The rare items are the octolus-skin cloak, norwhal helmet, and sardine can key. Each charter has had a set of rather rare items and those three are the rare ones for the glaciest.
Added some more features to make it less work to setup outfits/familiars.

The script will now try to equip das boot if you are about to head underwater and your familiar can't breath underwater. It has also gained some options to remove your hat during the moonbeam quest; to use gene tonics for food/booze % for the chicken and milk quests; to equip the hex key for the bolts quest if you're adventuring at VYKEA; and to equip a bellhop's hat if your quest takes you to the Ice Hotel.

I also added a version check since the script relies on the mafia variables added in r16444.
I forgot that the Edpiece's decoration isn't saved in outfits. (What other equipment states aren't saved in outfits? I keep forgetting that specific thing.)

Given that my underwater outfit contains the Edpiece, how would I get the script to make sure it's decorated with a fish?
Great script, thanks. I would like an option to have the script not take the +questprogress option at the ice hotel (raiding the bar seems more worthwhile to me).

Also I'm wondering if it's possible to save the settings somehow outside of the actual script? I assume whenever the script is updated, my settings would get lost.
I forgot that the Edpiece's decoration isn't saved in outfits. (What other equipment states aren't saved in outfits? I keep forgetting that specific thing.)

Given that my underwater outfit contains the Edpiece, how would I get the script to make sure it's decorated with a fish?
I'll try to add something for that tonight.

Great script, thanks. I would like an option to have the script not take the +questprogress option at the ice hotel (raiding the bar seems more worthwhile to me).

Also I'm wondering if it's possible to save the settings somehow outside of the actual script? I assume whenever the script is updated, my settings would get lost.
I could add a toggle for that. I'm a bit hesitant because that is veering a bit in a direction of adding in an option for every little way to sub-optimally finish the quest. It'll depend on if I find a way to add it that I'm happy with.

For now, to change the behavior for just you, find these two lines:
if (get_property("choiceAdventure1116") != "3")
	cli_execute("set choiceAdventure1116 = 3");
And change the "3" to "4". That'll cause the script to raid the bar instead.

For retaining your settings with updates, read this. It explains how to make your edits retained between updates.
Given that my underwater outfit contains the Edpiece, how would I get the script to make sure it's decorated with a fish?

You can include (cli) commands in outfit names. For example, equipping an outfit named "underwater c=edpiece fish" would execute "edpiece fish" in the CLI after putting on the outfit.
(I think you can have spaces in the argument, once you put in any such command in the name, mafia will parse commands up to the start of next command, or end of outfit name).
You can combine several commands in one outfit name, and there are also others: f=switch to familiar e=equip familiar item m=parameter to mood command t=entrhone a familiar b=bjornify a familiar

I would just make sure that the outfit name is unieque even without the commands (by deleting/renaming any conflicting outfits). Then "outfit underwater" will cause mafia to fuzzy match the correct "underwater c=edpiece fish ..." and switch it for you.
Hi, this looks pretty sweet. One small request. Would it be possible to make the script enter the ice hole if you've already used your pipe, but still have fishy? (I've been using buff extenders to get more fishy.)
Hi, this looks pretty sweet. One small request. Would it be possible to make the script enter the ice hole if you've already used your pipe, but still have fishy? (I've been using buff extenders to get more fishy.)

The script would already do that -- it doesn't check to see if the fishy pipe was used successfully, but instead if you have any turns of fishy. However, the script was still running the "grabDaily" part first (if set to run) no matter what; this would likely have used up most/all of a person's starting turns of fishy.

I added in a quick check now that will cause the script to adventure in the Ice Hole first if it detects that you have set the appropriate variable and you are starting with turns of fishy. It should work fine for your usage now.