autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation


How can this be possible? I know others have made this work, but it aborts on every HP test.

For example, Level 236 is an HP test. The script buffs, equips, and spends 7159 meat to get to 5057 but aborts since it cannot get to 9314. I have to search around to find the remaining HP; in this case 4257 more.

Are others finding issues with the HP test as a DB?

BTW, settings are
autoBasement_combat_equipment navel ring of navel gazing
autoBasement_combat_stat moxie
autoBasement_get_familiar_drops true
autoBasement_max_potion_price 4000
autoBasement_use_absolute_potions false
autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer true
autoBasement_use_dr_lucifer_amount 1000
autoBasement_use_percentage_potions true
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So I've set the script to break on combats, but it won't, it just keeps automating. Any idea why this is happening?

What is the action setting on the adventure tab in mafia? If you set up a custom combat script, you can list [ fernswarthy's basement ] with an abort. This way, every combat will abort. I think.

Did you check to see what your variables are set at? In the data folder resides a file "var_charname.txt". Make sure autoBasement_break_on_combat is set to true there. If you ran the script once, it sets up the variable to what was in the script. To make it change, you have to edit the variable as described in the first post of the thread, not in the script.
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So I've set the script to break on combats, but it won't, it just keeps automating. Any idea why this is happening?
You changed the zlib variable in the datafile directly, so your problem is solved, but when you say that you "set the script" to abort on combat, what did you do exactly?

Editing the setvar() line in the script will achieve nothing, since the second argument is simply the default value to use when the setting doesn't exist.

The correct way to change a zlib var is do "zlib <variable> = <value>" in the gCLI. You can also use the WOSSMAN relay script.


Staff member
Which I have never been able to use in Chrome to change a zlib variable.

Hmm, I'm fairly sure that it works across most major browsers, although it's best in Opera (since it was designed with that specific browser in mind). The only issues I run into now are display issues, but then again, I forget which changes I made. The handful that I suggested in that thread should get it to work in Chrome, though.

For some reason the script isn't buying sauceror potions! I got a mysticality test, so it put on my myst outfit, and then said it can't buff my myst high enough. Even though it hasn't even used the +100% myst potion. In fact, it's not used any potions so far.

I have these options set:
zlib autoBasement_max_potion_price = 5000
zlib autoBasement_use_percentage_potions = true

(Changed these via CLI, not changing the value in the script, before anyone asks. :p)


The script simply uses Mafia's use() function. You should check "Preferences -> General -> Buy items from NPC stores whenever needed" and/or "Buy items from the mall whenever needed".

If that doesn't work, please post here the gCLI output where this happens.
Yup, already have those options set. gCLI output is as follows:

[14526] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 131)
You gain 633 Strongness
You gain a Muscle point!
Basement level 181: Mysticality Test
Putting on outfit: Mysticality
Equipment changed.
unable to buff Mysticality to 1564, quitting
Basement sucessfully automated for 9 out of 67 adventures.

My myst is 1508 (609 base), with all of the buffed myst coming from equipment.

(Unrelated: is there a way to tell mafia not to make my own sauce potions? I'm running a sauceror, and mafia keeps buying potion ingredients to make the potions, when I'd rather it just bought the potions. <.<)
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(Unrelated: is there a way to tell mafia not to make my own sauce potions? I'm running a sauceror, and mafia keeps buying potion ingredients to make the potions, when I'd rather it just bought the potions. <.<)
Mafia usually does this because it is the cheapest way of obtaining these items. The only way i can think of doing that is making your own buyScript.


That's strange. What happens when you do this in the gCLI:
ash use(1, $item[ ointment of the occult ]);


Can you run this scriptlet and tell me what numbers are printed at the end?
import "autobasement.ash";
print( "dataFile size: " + dataFile.count() );
print( "potions size: " + potions.count() );

EDIT: changed the script so it also counts the potions map.
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Well, at least we found the problem. Now, to understand why... Try erasing autoBasement_data.txt from Mafia's /data directory, and type this in the gCLI:
set map_autoBasement_data.txt =

Also, if you aren't using the latest daily build, please download it here
autoBasement_data.txt didn't even exist, so I kinda ignored that step, but yesssss, it just used a tomato juice of powerful power, so I presume it's working now! Thanks very much!