autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation


You would need to increase the max price the script is willing to spend on a single potion. I believe I defaulted it to 2000 meat, arias are hovering around 4700.


One thing I noticed, the script used a scroll of drastic healing, then used a Jumbo Dr. Lucifer, then another scroll of drastic healing. If the logic/order were reversed, then it would have used only one scroll.


It should restore enough HP to get enough MP for the test from the Jumbo Dr. Lucifer. Mafia's autorecovery (or Bale's UR if you're using that) decided to use a scroll.

The next scroll used must have been in preparation for the next test (again, by calling the recovery script).

autoBasement doesn't explicitly use scrolls, just calls restore_hp(target).


4 days to level 500 for a non-ascended TT.

Once I got to level 500, I received the error message that follows. I logged in again and got the same message. Break on level was set to 501.

 > unknown basement test (this should probably never happen unless the page fails to load), quitting
Finished level 500 manually in relay browser.

Thanks for the script Rinn!:D


This is now my favorite turn burning script!
After stealing weatherboy's ccs I have come to the conclusion that this script kicks some serious ass. It is well done and has so far been my cheapest basement run to date.

Went from level 0 to level 360 today with a level 25 pastamancer for less than 200k meat using this script!


Whoops the script isn't using the cached gauntlet outfit it's just maximizing, I'll fix that and the error for level 500.

Edit: You acquire an item: Discount Telescope Warehouse gift certificate
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many thanks for the script :)
the latest version of the script did not like a 4 stone golem, so I had to kill it myself ...

[14562] Fernswarthy's Basement (Level 0)
Encounter: 4 Stone Golem
Round 0: morgad loses initiative!
You lose 314 hit points
Bad monster value: "4 stone golem"
You don't seem to be in the basement, quitting
Retrieving character data...
Redirected to a fight page.
Round 2: morgad casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 3: morgad casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
You acquire an item: agua de vida
You gain 144 Strengthliness
You gain 82 Mysteriousness
You gain 67 Chutzpah

edit: actually it does not like combat - seems to be the problem you posted about above

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That's a problem with your CCS, not the script. This script doesn't handle the actual combat.
So, this seems like a good time and place to ask: just what are the right CCS keys to use for basement monsters? (I mean, I know the script isn't responsible for my CCS, but since a lot of basementers are in this thread, perhaps someone here can help me out with a tiny threadjack.)


Staff member
It seems that the common choices are divines, love songs, and hobo skills (120 MP). Possibly also high-end spells, but I don't really know.


Love songs and divine favors are preferred because of their effectiveness in combination with buffing. When creating your CCS, here's the highlights...

[ default ]
Use a method of killing huge monsters with spells or items since that's cheapest.

[ dimensional horror ]
Cannot be killed with physical attacks. Use spells or items only

[ ghost of fernswarthy ]
Elemental damage only. Love songs or spells, usually. Or if you're using a phial, anything will work.

[ Stone Golem ]
50% physical resistance. So use love songs instead of divine favours.

[ Bottles of Beer on a Golem ]
No spells. Use items.
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If you start by using entangling noodles (p) or kneebutt (tt) you can stun your opponent and increase your chances of not being hit.

Look at posts 88 and 94 higher up in the thread for CCS examples.

What stunning skills can be used by the other classes assuming that you do not have the above mentioned ones permed? Did not seem like the others had a similar skill unless I missed it.

What familiars can effectively stun (I read the wiki) and are they worth getting?
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You could just be lazy like me and set your melee outfit (using the Mafia auto-outfit-changer) to maximize myst and spell % and then noodle/blast with the 120MP spells :)

A Navel ring goes a long ways towards not getting hit.
Also, the script just stopped on an elemental test because it couldn't pass it. The equipment was indeed all +elemental or +HP, but it hadn't bothered to buy any +muscle potions, which would have easily allowed it to pass the test. Bug/feature?

Also, I couldn't find anything in the Maximize feature thread... how do you tell it to maximize %spell damage? I could only get it to maximize normal +spell damage. (I had 2 TPNSes in my inventory that it left alone.)
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Small bug report; a couple times when I've gotten an error that it can't get a pirate brochure and then the script aborts. It can't get the pirate brochure because I've only got the pirate pamphlet in Barrrtleby's Barrrgain Books.


I believe that is a bug in mafia, those pirate books are tradable so you can buy them in the mall if you can't get the one you want in the npc store.


Staff member
Mafia is smart enough to buy one from the mall if you can't get it from an NPC. A mall search shows mall stores for the ones you can't get but only the NPC for the one you can get, and the CLI buy command works properly for the ones you can't get from the NPC.