Autoattack - I don't understand


My autoattack has been disabled via the web page.

From the CLI I typed 'autoattack disabled'

Why does Mafia think I am trying to pickpockets and get me beat on in Hobopolis?

The Ancient Hobo Burial Ground
Encounter: Romeo Lennon, Who Sings Nursery Rhymes in a High-Pitched Voice While Delicately Caressing a Straight Razor
Strategy: skill moxious maneuver
Round 0: JoeMomma wins initiative!
Round 1: JoeMomma tries to steal an item!
You lose 388 hit points
Round 2: JoeMomma casts MOXIOUS MANEUVER!
Round 2: Hunka Hunka Burnin' Grimacite does a couple of karate moves, then swivels his hips and gyrates his pelvis.
Round 2: spooky hobo takes 602 damage.
You gain 21 Muscleboundness
You gain 33 Wizardliness
You gain 41 Roguishness

From my prefs file:



I don't understand what I am missing here. Or do I need to set my autoattack for moxious and having it be '0' is basically the same as doing nothing?

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This has nothing to do with your autoattack setting; KoLmafia always uses pickpocket when it's available and seems appropriate to use. To bypass that, you'll need to use a CCS. One that just says:

[ default ]
skill moxious maneuver

should do the job.


Because mafia notices it cannot be hit, but lacks understanding that an item exists to be picked. You suggest that mafia should be educated about which monsters lack pockets.


Staff member
There's two separate things that could apply there. First, you can be hit even if you have a million moxie, so it's never "safe" to waste a round, in the sense that mafia assumes it is. Second, you can't pickpocket anything, so it's always a waste of a round and a waste of server resources. Either of those by itself should be enough reason for mafia to not pickpocket there, though changing the code for either thing is probably a bit of work.


Yeah, I'm not really fond of the pickpocket whenever safe feature either. (I was just explaining the logic. And I think it predated monster crits.) I figure that if I want to pick pockets I can do it myself.