New Content - Implemented April IOTM- Little Geneticist DNA-Splicing Lab


r13911 adds the items, and campground handling (I hope).

Maybe all we need from here is support for acquiring potions/intrinsics when you have the appropriate DNA ready ? Oh, and tracking which DNA is ready, and how many potions have been made, if you've hybridised yourself

Your rickety workshed contains:<p><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='/images/itemimages/genelab.gif' onclick='descitem(951406097)' alt="Little Geneticist DNA-Splicing Lab" title="Little Geneticist DNA-Splicing Lab"><b>Little Geneticist DNA-Splicing Lab</b><p>Your extraction syringe currently contains a sample of <b>bug</b> DNA, which can produce the following effect: <table><tr><td><img src=/images/itemimages/dna.gif class=hand onClick='eff("f38cd49774c8bf4fb078566bfbcbe1c5");' border=0></td><td><b>Human-Insect Hybrid</b></td></tr></table><p>You can make 2 more gene tonics today.<form action=campground.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=dnapotion><input class=button type=submit value="Make a gene tonic"></form><form action=campground.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value=dnainject><input class=button type=submit value="Hybridize yourself"></form></center>

If you have already made three :

The lab needs to reorder the supplies for making gene tonics. It'll do it on its own, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Successful hybridization :

You fill yourself with monster DNA. You're alive... alive! Well, you were alive before, but now you're alive and an abominable genetic hybrid.

Nothing in the syringe:

Your DNA extraction syringe is currently empty.

If you've already hybridized :

You've already made yourself a horrible abomination once today. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to do it again.
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r13912 adds tracking, _dnaHybrid is true when you've hybridized yourself. _dnaPotionMade is the count of potions, _dnaSyringe is the current phylum in the syringe.


Feature request related to the DNA-Splicing Lab (not sure if this deserves its own topic, so I'm putting it here).

Much like Olfaction has the olfact command & autoOlfact preference for use within CCS and such, could someone do something similar for gene tonics & splicing?

I was thinking of having an extract command that sets up to 4 different phyla to the autoExtract preference. You could then use a combat script (like SmartStasis) to handle extraction and a between battle script (BBB seems like the perfect candidate) to handle either hybridization or tonic creation.


Oh dear. That means _dnaSyringe needs to be changed to dnaSyringe since underlined preferences are all reset everyday, without exception.


Staff member
Feature request related to the DNA-Splicing Lab (not sure if this deserves its own topic, so I'm putting it here).

Much like Olfaction has the olfact command & autoOlfact preference for use within CCS and such, could someone do something similar for gene tonics & splicing?

I was thinking of having an extract command that sets up to 4 different phyla to the autoExtract preference. You could then use a combat script (like SmartStasis) to handle extraction and a between battle script (BBB seems like the perfect candidate) to handle either hybridization or tonic creation.

The settings don't have to be built in to mafia for scripts to make and use them. Then again, I can't imagine ever using autoOlfact, so I wouldn't be part of the target audience anyway.


The settings don't have to be built in to mafia for scripts to make and use them. Then again, I can't imagine ever using autoOlfact, so I wouldn't be part of the target audience anyway.

Funny story, that. I put my money where my mouth is and wrote some code to handle it. I dropped it in the scripting sub forum until I can think of an appropriate place for it to go.


I suspect people may want to be able to have a way to "acquire" the potions/instrinsics that could be suggested by maximizer. Not something I'm going to have time to look at.


Staff member
That wouldn't be too hard to implement, the part that I'm caught up on is deciding how to implement that. CLI or ASH. There's specifying whether to make a potion or get the intrinsic (which seems like 2 ASH functions), and optionally specifying what phylum has to be there to actually do it (doubling the number of functions) or maybe requiring $phylum[none] to make it regardless of what phylum is already there.


Staff member
Bump for a request to add a CLI and/or ASH command for the DNA.

Maybe just a CLI command would be fine:

dna [ tonic | hybrid ]

'dna' lists the current DNA sample (maybe with modfiers?)
'dna tonic' makes 1 (or more if specified) tonics of the current DNA
'dna hybrid' hybridizes you with the current DNA


Staff member
You can already use "camp dnainject|dnapotion" for those operations.

> help camp

camp* rest | etc. [numTimes] - perform campground actions.
rest => campground rest

Is there any documentation for this (I could not find it)? Can the help text be expanded? I am guessing from the 'etc' that there are likely other commands I do not know about here.


Staff member
It wasn't specifically added as a feature, it just happens that campground.php?action=dnapotion is the URL, and that command is about as generic for campground requests as visit_url.


Staff member
huh... neat. I learned something new today.
(now to explore all the other URLs in the campground)