Feature allow queueing homeopathic healing powder


Active member
Homeopathic healing powder doubles stat gains from spleen items. I'd like to see queueing done similar to the divine champagne flute. If you enqueue several of them and have multiple spleen items to use, it'd use one for each spleen item.


Staff member
I just split Food and Drink out of the humongous UseItemRequest. Were I to do the same for Spleen items, this would be plausible.

This is different than the divine champaign flute and other "helpers", however:

- It only works with certain items; it would be wasted to use on Oyster eggs, for example, according to the Wiki
- It requires that you "use" the item first with one request and follow it with the request that "uses" the spleen item.

So, this is a bigger "project" than you might think.