Bug - Fixed Adventuring At The Hidden Temple


New member
I'm trying to burn turns at the temple. I want to spend adventures and rest at my campsite whenever I hit 0 health. I have Mafia set to autorecover health at 0%, try to recover up to 5%, and set to rest at my campground. When my health hits 0, Mafia rests at my campsite, then after resting, tries to use a Doc Galaktik's Pungent Unguent. I don't have any, so it stops adventuring. If i have one in my inventory, it uses it after resting at the campground and continues adventuring.


New member
> get hpAutoRecoveryItems

rest at your campground;free disco rest;scroll of drastic healing;disco power nap


Staff member
There is special code specifically for the Hidden Temple. The comment says: "Here, as long as your health is above zero, you're okay." In that case, it sets your target healing to 1 HP, regardless of settings. It then has an additional check - after it heals using other methods - to buy and use a Pungent Unguent for 20 Meat.

It neglects to check that you still need healing.

I'll move some of the code around - in particular, the section that says "only heal to 1 HP" - to before where it starts to use healing items and methods.