New Content - Implemented Adventure range changes needed in fullness.txt and inebriety.txt


Staff member
In his thread about food/booze consumption changes, Jick wrote the following:

Size 1 item changes

There were about 35 food and booze items whose fullness/drunkenness was 1, and whose range of possible Adventures included, but was not limited to, a single Adventure. These have all been changed to either always give 1 or always give 2 Adventures.

Some stuff (like Imp Ale, for instance) was ending up in the "decent" tier because of the small chance it had of giving you 2 turns instead of 1. I don't think that uncertainty actually adds any fun for anybody, so I went ahead and simplified all of these items.

Key lime pies

Since these had an Adventure removed from the cooking process and the new system threw into sharp relief how much of an outlier they were, qualitywise, their average yield has been reduced by 1. The range of adventures they can give is way smaller now, too.

Weird fractional ranges

The vagaries of our ancient, nonsense food quality system created a bunch of situations where on the backend, food would give you a range of adventures from, say, 2 to 5.1. The consumption code did weird rounding to deal with the weird numbers, but I always hated them. I've gotten rid of all of those noninteger values. The net result will be slightly reduced average yield from about 90 different food and booze items. Slight as in tenths of an adventure. Slight as in probably nobody would have noticed for months and months if I hadn't said anything. Slight.

These are all changes that need to be folded into the data files, fullness.txt (for food) and inebriety.txt (for booze), as they are discovered.
I miserably failed to set up a Google Spreadsheet that people could edit to update the data files. I'll try to find an other (better) way to make those publically editable when I have more time... or someone more knowledgeable than I am in importing things will beat me to it?

EDIT: and there we go - the document is here.

Anyone should be able to edit it, but since we only want the adventure ranges, I'll try to find out if I can lock the other columns.
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Out-of-date adventure gains for a couple of foods

dehydrated caviar: wiki spading and personal experience suggests 2.0 adv/full instead of 2.5
dessicated apricot: preliminary spading suggests a quality of 2.0 adv/full as well, instead of 2.5. Supported by the in-game quality display of "decent".

I suspect there are other items that had been changed from 2.5 adv/full to 2.0 adv/full since there used to be class of stat-aligned foods that were 1 fullness and 2.5 adv before the Consumables update. This KoLSpading post may be helpful.
I'm not too sure about using a public spreadsheet. Wouldn't reporting only those that were changed in the forums be better? In fact, I think I'll put my misplaced "spading" info in KoLSpading so that the mafiadevs can monitor that thread.

Also, why wait until every changed consumable is spaded before changing the data files?
Also, why wait until every changed consumable is spaded before changing the data files?

Probably just because it's troublesome to have to keep making updates. Among other things, that would lead to questions like, "Was that particular consumable updated yet? I guess I need to check." Some might not get updated because a person doing the updating believes that they are already done and doesn't want to check every item each time. It'd be easier and less annoying to do it in one fell swoop.
As you can tell from the commit logs, I updated the "crappy" consumables in revision 8629. So, we are obviously not "waiting until every changed consumable is spaded".
I went through every item and looked for updated info on the wiki a few months after the Jick adventure-count trivial update. These should hopefully be more accurate for some of the items that were implemented in mafia early on, as well as items that were changed in that variable adventure lowering. Nothing for the spleens, but quite a few food/drink changes.

Also, this thread can probably be updated to New Content now. Unless Veracity wants it to stick as Bug, since she made it. :)

