Feature - Implemented Add MCD choice page before fighting the Baron


In the same vein as other bosses with MCD-dependent rewards (since we know 100% he's in the tiny mansion square now).


You can't see the mansion until you've already adventured there though right? If the faucet still always shows up before the mansion I suppose you could have an MCD warning for every tavern square after you find the faucet.


The mansion is a choice adventure; when you discover it, you can Knock on the door (fight the baron) or Leave it be. The MCD options could be integrated into that, perhaps; I'm imagining Mafia choosing to Leave, then changing the MCD, then going back to the mansion.

That's assuming that there's no adventure cost if you Leave; I'm not certain about that (and the wiki doesn't specify.)
MCD check for Ratsworth

Now that the mechanic for discovering Ratsworth has changed, could we have an MCD reminder before fighting Ratsworth, like there is for Boss Bat etc.?
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Active member
<edit> You know, this showed up in my lit of unread posts and completely didn't realize this was already a submitted thread. Sorry if I came off as being mean. Feel free to egg me.
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Ahh, I searched for Ratsworth before submitting this f-req; no wonder I didn't see the original thread.

@Fluxxdog - I started this as a new thread, but someone since merged my req to roippi's existing thread.
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Staff member
I took a stab at this. I have a nice looking boss warning, complete with item images and mcd labels and such and got it to show up at the choice adventure. Unfortunately, as coded, it does not leave the choice, set the mcd, and return to the square - so it is disabled, for now.

It was a nice proof of concept, but it's a lot trickier than it looks...


Staff member
MCD spoilers for Baron

I have been told (which is waffle wording for I have not verified this myself, so don't shoot the messenger) that the spoilers/decorations that relate the MCD to a Boss's item drops are not present for the Baron, as they are for the Boss Bat, Dagon and so on. Apparently the Baron's Top Hat and Drink Me potions are useful in speed runs.


Staff member
I took a stab at this. I have a nice looking boss warning, complete with item images and mcd labels and such and got it to show up at the choice adventure. Unfortunately, as coded, it does not leave the choice, set the mcd, and return to the square - so it is disabled, for now.

It was a nice proof of concept, but it's a lot trickier than it looks...

Is this something someone else might be able build on?


Staff member
I added a boss warning for Baron von Ratsworth which kicks in if you are about to explore a cellar square that we know contains the Baron. I.e., which you have previously visited and chosen the "go away" choice option. There is no way to put in a boss warning with MCD changing once you are in the process of visiting the square and are presented with choice.php, so I think this is as good as it's going to get.

Revision 10389
does go away take an adventure?

assuming that the baron himself can be a goal and that auto adventure can reach it once it's been found with 100% accuracy...

if it needs to change the MCD could it send go away to the noncombat, change the MCD and then auto back to the Barron and then initiate the fight?

Does that even make sense in anybody else's head then mine? *blinks* could use a flow chart.


Active member
The way I do it in my script is just by setting the desired MCD as soon as I find the faucet... Keeps things simple and I don't need extra server hits later.


Staff member
does go away take an adventure?

assuming that the baron himself can be a goal and that auto adventure can reach it once it's been found with 100% accuracy...
You can use tavern( "baron" ) to find the baron and tavern( "fight" ) to fight the baron, and you can set the MCD to whatever you want between those calls.

if it needs to change the MCD could it send go away to the noncombat, change the MCD and then auto back to the Barron and then initiate the fight?
That is how the tavern( "baron" ) and tavern( "fight" ) functions work: the first one sets the choice to "skip" searches, and resets it. The second one assumes you have the choice set the way you want and just goes to the correct square.

Does that even make sense in anybody else's head then mine?
Considering that this feature request is about adding a boss warning in the Relay Browser, talking about auto-adventuring in the Tavern Cellar doesn't make much sense. :)
Good point Bale...

what if it only triggered the extra server hits if it needed to change the MCD... Mostly I'm just thinking aloud that it might be possible to get one small step closer, I just can't quite speak as to how. Don't mind me, I'll write it up if I ever do make sense of the half an idea (and half a wit) that I have.