Bug - Won't Fix Actual reality goggles can break faxbot because the username is changed


Staff member
Occasionally my scripts fail when trying to receive a fax from Easyfax - the message is sent, but the response is not parsed properly because it seems to come from a user called "WEirDEaSyfaXPOweR". Anyway, I wrote a patch that I think probably fixes it, but I haven't been able to reproduce the bug to test it. Faxing does still work using the resulting build though.

Perhaps a nicer solution would be to not trust the name we get through from a chat message and always look up the real user by their playerid, but that's probably overly server-heavy. The best solution in my opinion though would be to have any relevant function across the whole codebase be able to either take a String playerName or an int playerId and just stick to that, but that seems like too much of a change for a first contribution?


View attachment fix-faxbot-name.patch
> not trust the name we get through from a chat message

With CDM's magic, this is actually a thing, at least in /hardcore
I kind of want to throw this in the pile of items that you shouldn't equip if you want mafia to handle everything properly. Especially since it has no effect other than changing names in chat, and that's the very thing that causes the issue here.
I kind of want to throw this in the pile of items that you shouldn't equip if you want mafia to handle everything properly. Especially since it has no effect other than changing names in chat, and that's the very thing that causes the issue here.

Yes that is extremely true, although I think it was possibly equipped by the maximizer cause I had nothing else for that slot.