Feature Account for slimeling disgorging in drop rates shown in location details

At various times during a speed run I and others have found ourselves wondering "should I be using my hound or slimeling to get this drop the fastest?" Mafia will list drop rates in location details, at least for items it has drop rate data for, and will calculate it using both pickpocket and regular item drop modifiers. I'd like to see the slimeling disgorging mechanic, as detailed on the wiki, added into these calculations (when a slimeling is the current familiar, and only for equipment drops as appropriate). Then we could answer this question for ourselves relatively quickly by just comparing the drop rates and combat rates when we have the hound or slimeling selected as our familiar (or other fairy of choice, should someone feel they have another alternative).

This is especially relevant in Bees Hate You runs, where you can't use yellow ray mechanics to get most of the mandatory equipment, and even moreso in hardcore where you can't try to just pull them.