Feature Abort when not enough MP


I made a CCS for farming in the casle. I start adventuring there, a few minutes later i check the progress and notice that it is not doing it. it seems that since i didn't have enough MP, and my MP regeneration was turned off that mafia decided that it should just auto-attack each turn. This in turn made me loose a bunch of meat. It would be really nice if mafia would have just aborted, like it does when i don't have enouch HP


Mafia aborts when you don't have enough hp most likely because you have chosen something from the dropdown having mafia abort when hp is below a certain point. To have mafia abort when your MP is too low, you'll have to add something to your [global prefix] in your CCS. Something like:

if mpbelow 30

Change the number to whatever you want, but I think that would get you what you want. Someone else can chime in if I'm wrong on that assumption. That number would be an exact number, not a percent. For using percentage instead, use mppercentbelow.


I think having a "Stop automation" setting has a case, if not only for the symetry with the HP setting. Plus, there's an empty space now below the "Stop if health is at XX%" dropdown =)