Abort not working during wait(); ?

Banana Lord

A specific script, while 'waiting' doesn't seem to be affected by typing abort into the gCLI, it continues after the allotted period of time regardless. Bug or feature?

NB: It fails to abort for both of the two waiting periods (beginning and end).

print("Farming will commence in 30 seconds", "olive");

cli_execute("/Farming login");

// Farm the Castle!
if(my_fullness() >= to_int(get_property("full_limit")) && my_inebriety() == to_int(get_property("drunk_limit")) && my_spleen_use() == to_int(get_property("spleen_limit")))
	cli_execute("adventure * giant's castle");
	print("Finished farming", "green");
	else abort("Not ready to farm");

if(my_inebriety() <= inebriety_limit() && my_adventures() > 0) abort("Still enough adventures to farm");

// Run Logout.ash
if(my_fullness() >= to_int(get_property("full_limit")) && my_inebriety() >= to_int(get_property("drunk_limit")) && my_spleen_use() >= to_int(get_property("spleen_limit")))	
	if(my_inebriety() > 19) cli_execute("/logout.ash");
		else abort("You've got some fullstats to fill");

// Quit Mafia
print_html("<font size=7><b><font color=red>Mafia will quit in 3 minutes if you do not abort</b></font>");
Wait stops gCLI stuff from happening... probably including typing in abort. Press escape instead.
That's quite a short period, especially in comparison... Does it work with wait(90); print("Thing"); or fail?
Yeah, works for me too. Only thing I've done that fails to properly abort normally tends to be while loops... you aren't doing that, so I'd expect it to work properly. But yeah, escape key works great as an override.
Only if the rest of the script is executing. Which defeats the purpose of putting a wait command in there to give me a chance to abort if I don't want it to execute. I believe abort etc. stopped working (in this situation) when they changed wait to not print a countdown to the CLI.
Ah, and that would explain why it works for me... I'm the one who posted an update to wait that reenables the message and makes a waitq command for silent waiting... Hasn't been approved or made official yet, but it would be fine for me... It's supposed to be approved at some point though. :)
Oh fantastic. I'll wait for that then :-) Nothing better than finding that something was fixed before you noticed it was broken.
Veracity added this today, so it should work fine for you again now. :) Let us know if it's still a problem.