Bricko and chateau (and other cases) set your location in mafia to none. The same needs to be done for witchess fights.
As I pointed out in this post in the still open "New Content" thread for the Witchess set (it is, after all, the currently available IOTM), we really don't handle Witchess fights correctly yet.
Therefore, I am going to merge this Bug Report into the aforementioned still-open New Content thread.
Tracking of chess pieces fought in r16813
Tracking of chess pieces fought in r16813
Can you give the property name/put it on the KoLMafia wiki?
A command that dumps you into a fight (which will need more automation seems weird). I think a command to automatically grab the buff (as long as puzzleChampBonus is 20) would be good though.I wish I saw this thread earlier. Is it too late to request a CLI command to do the witchess fights automatically?
Also, in reply to the procedural puzzle solver issue--If done in java it should be sped up a lot with an intelligent A* search.
I think a command to automatically grab the buff (as long as puzzleChampBonus is 20) would be good though.
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Witchess Bishop
Round 0: erichwanh wins initiative!
Round 1: erichwanh executes a macro!
Round 1: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
Round 2: Number BC viciously wattle-whips your opponent until he looks dizzy and out-of-sorts, doing 17 damage.
Round 2: Witchess Bishop takes 17 damage.
Round 2: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE STINKBUG!
Round 3: Witchess Bishop takes 19 damage.
Round 3: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE MOSQUITO!
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 8 damage.
Round 4: You gain 8 hit points
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 20 damage.
Round 4: erichwanh attacks!
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 97 damage.
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 18 damage.
Round 5: erichwanh wins the fight!
After Battle: A love stag beetle brushes up against your ankle affectionately.
After Battle: You gain 4 Beefiness
Your familiar gains a pound: Number BC, the 8 lb. Fist Turkey
After Battle: Number BC cranks up some hardcore punk music and slam-dances in the straw.
You acquire an item: Sacramento wine
After Battle: You gain 22 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 36 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 18 Roguishness
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Witchess Bishop
Round 0: erichwanh wins initiative!
Round 1: erichwanh executes a macro!
Round 1: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
Round 2: Number BC pecks at the ground like it just insulted his mother, unearthing a little bit of meat.
You gain 34 Meat.
Round 2: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE STINKBUG!
Round 3: Witchess Bishop takes 20 damage.
Round 3: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE MOSQUITO!
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You gain 10 hit points
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 18 damage.
Round 4: erichwanh attacks!
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 91 damage.
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 19 damage.
Round 5: erichwanh wins the fight!
After Battle: Number BC does the Funky Turkey, which is like the Funky Chicken, but more violent.
You acquire an item: Sacramento wine
After Battle: You gain 18 Fortitude
After Battle: You gain 40 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 18 Sarcasm
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Witchess Bishop
Round 0: erichwanh wins initiative!
Round 1: erichwanh executes a macro!
Round 1: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
Round 2: Number BC gobbles excitedly, scratches deep into the earth, and unearths a treasure trove of meat!
You gain 71 Meat.
Round 2: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE STINKBUG!
Round 3: Witchess Bishop takes 20 damage.
Round 3: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE MOSQUITO!
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You gain 10 hit points
Round 4: Number BC beak-slams your opponent for 21 damage.
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 21 damage.
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 19 damage.
Round 4: erichwanh attacks!
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 124 damage.
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 19 damage.
Round 5: erichwanh wins the fight!
After Battle: Number BC flaps his wings and does an aggressive territorial turkey dance.
You acquire an item: Sacramento wine
After Battle: You gain 15 Muscleboundness
After Battle: You gain 39 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 21 Sarcasm
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Witchess Bishop
Round 0: erichwanh wins initiative!
Round 1: erichwanh executes a macro!
Round 1: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
Round 2: Number BC folds into a fist and armwrestles you to help you build bulk.
Round 2: You gain 14 Strongness
Round 2: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE STINKBUG!
Round 3: Witchess Bishop takes 17 damage.
Round 3: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE MOSQUITO!
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 10 damage.
Round 4: You gain 10 hit points
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 20 damage.
Round 4: erichwanh attacks!
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 107 damage.
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 17 damage.
Round 5: erichwanh wins the fight!
After Battle: A love firefly flits flirtatiously around your head.
After Battle: You gain 4 Magicalness
After Battle: Number BC finds a little pile of straw and does that ol' "turkey in the straw" dance.
You acquire an item: Sacramento wine
After Battle: You gain 14 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 47 Magicalness
After Battle: You gain 16 Sarcasm
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Witchess Bishop
Round 0: erichwanh wins initiative!
Round 1: erichwanh executes a macro!
Round 1: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE GNATS!
Round 2: Number BC wing-smacks your opponent for 23 damage.
Round 2: Witchess Bishop takes 23 damage.
Round 2: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE STINKBUG!
Round 3: Witchess Bishop takes 19 damage.
Round 3: erichwanh casts SUMMON LOVE MOSQUITO!
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 8 damage.
Round 4: You gain 8 hit points
Round 4: Witchess Bishop takes 18 damage.
Round 4: erichwanh attacks!
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 93 damage.
Round 5: Witchess Bishop takes 16 damage.
Round 5: erichwanh wins the fight!
After Battle: Number BC finds a little pile of straw and does that ol' "turkey in the straw" dance.
You acquire an item: Sacramento wine
After Battle: Number BC hops up with a bottle of booze under his wing. Best not to ask where it came from.
You acquire an item: Ambitious Turkey
After Battle: You gain 18 Strengthliness
You can now equip a combat fan (and possibly other things).
You gain a Muscle point!
After Battle: You gain 49 Mysteriousness
You gain a Mysticality point!
After Battle: You gain 9 Smarm
$CUSTOM|Command|Witchess Puzzle Champ|_witchessBuff|ashq visit_url("campground.php?action=witchess");run_choice(3);run_choice(2)|1