ash command to get conditions


So I'm trying to script some semirare handling, and I've gotten everything working properly except that if the semirare triggers while I'm using a condition to adventure, then when the semirare adv gets used, the condition check fails and halts the script. I can programatically remove the condition, but then my script moves on without meeting the condition I was working for. How do I retrieve the condition, save it, run the semirare adventure, then restore the condition and continue?


Active member
Why, with get_goals, of course! :)
> goals add steaming evil

Condition added: steaming evil

> goal add 150 moxie

Condition added: Substats: 0 / 0 / 10,278

> ash get_goals()

Returned: aggregate string [2]
0 => +1 steaming evil
1 => 150 moxie


thanks! The CLI help text always mentions conditions, and there are ashref listings for adding/removing conditions, I figured listing conditions had "condition" in it.