Aftercore Post-Adventure Item Stocking


So this is a blatant call for someone to point me in the right direction. I want to write myself a post-adventure script that will ensure that I have certain items in my inventory. If possible, I'd like to ensure that this only fires during aftercore (with one small exception). What I have in mind is keeping a store of certain aftercore relevant items, such as love songs (to keep myself from getting into tough combat situations), sea lassos (because I still need my Clothing of Loathing), Bowls of Scorpions (because I'm a lazy dirty meat-farmer), and other things. Can someone point me to the relevant functions to call, so that I can do this relatively easy? Thanks in advance for your help, guys.


Active member
The lazy way to do this is using an afterAdventure script to acquire the items. If you use retrieve_item or acquire (depending on if you prefer ASH or CLI) to get X number of items, it will skip if you already have enough or if it costs more than your autoBuyPriceLimit to acquire one, so remember to set your aBPL to sane levels that will both allow you to get (one of) all the items you want as well as stopping when prices go crazy-high because all the cheap/normally priced ones have gone.

Obviously the best way to do this is with ASH and checking for:
if (get_property("kingLiberated").to_boolean()) { do stuff; }
but you can try to do it in gCLI... somehow... it's just more complicated. :)


Well, I'll have to wait until I ascend to see if it works, but it looks like it ought to. Thanks for your help, Theraze.


Personally (and I do this for the sea items, Dis folio's, transponders amongst others) I have a post prism script that acquires stocks, enough to do those quests in aftercore. I then only hit the mall once for each item, rather than hitting it after every adventure I use one.


Active member
Which is why a healthy AA script can look if you have enough for the most you'd want in a fight and then buys up to your stocking level, thereby allowing you to both save server hits as well as keeping you safe if you run in aftercore for longer than expected.

But that wasn't the request. :) It was simply to stay stocked through the variances of combat items, quest items, and combat-avoidance-for-meatfarming items. :) Which all have different requirements on how many are needed based on how long you stay in aftercore.