Recent content by heeheehee

  1. H

    Excavator - gausie's spading script

    Github Actions compile that into JS on the `release` branch after each commit that's pushed to `main`. If you want to compile this yourself, you'll have to install one of the various TS -> JS transpilers...
  2. H

    Feature Request: Discuss Retry-After header in Generic Request

    > 503/429 messages, since that mechanism is designed to cover cases of scheduled maintenance with a known end-period Incidentally, that's not how I view either of those status codes. 429 ("Too many requests") serves a purpose directly related to Retry-After in terms of throttling, and it seems...
  3. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    If "modtrace liver" does nothing, then that's a distinct problem (namely: unrelated to the modifier passive skill cache). From looking at the commit: visiting the wereprofessor research bench to look at your current upgrades should update your preferences appropriately. If that's not happening...
  4. H

    Forum help and cleanup

    To clarify: previously both "feature" and "feature - implemented" were the same shade of light green. The current status is a strict improvement over that.
  5. H

    Bug - Not A Bug r27822 Unwanted password dialog box pops up with Chrome + KoLmafia

    Closing with "Not a bug" since it was apparently a Chrome bug. Either way, it's unlikely we can do anything about it on Mafia's end if it comes back.
  6. H

    Forum help and cleanup

    I think it makes sense to differentiate between Feature and "Feature - Implemented" / "Bug Fixed", at the very least. So no objections from me re: new colors.
  7. H

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    r27837 fixes the debug log that Boesbert reported.
  8. H

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Hm. That last one is a different stack trace, where AscensionClass might never be initialized (and therefore is still null if there are no matches). It's an easy fix; I'll post a pull request in a bit.
  9. H

    "Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0."

    I don't see any logical issues with adding `shadowJar.mustRunAfter cleanDist`, which is the other option that Gradle suggests -- it doesn't make sense IMO to clean after building the jar, after all.
  10. H

    Shall it be closed?

    Yeah. I think I understand the race condition now. I just haven't had time to put together a fix yet. (If anyone else wants to take a stab at it, be my guest.)
  11. H

    Shall it be closed?

    No, I think there are still possibilities of deadlock from multiple concurrent writes between the Swing event dispatch thread (e.g. clicking a checkbox to change some settings in Preferences) and main thread trying to affect the Swing UI.
  12. H

    Shall it be closed?

    Trying to push these two instances (setObject and removeProperty) onto the event dispatch thread naively causes many tests (which expect listeners to be executed synchronously in response to preference updates) to fail. IMO one reasonable way to do this is to update only the swingui elements...
  13. H

    Shall it be closed?

    Okay. So the problem is that the Swing UI can request preferences (e.g. wrapLongLines), thereby grabbing the Preferences lock, while setting a preference (which holds the Preferences lock) can fire listeners which can try to grab the Swing UI lock. In particular, the fix in
  14. H

    Shall it be closed?

    (I am very happy I added the deadlock detector in that PR, since now we can know with certainty where the deadlock is.)
  15. H

    Shall it be closed?

    Today's debug log looks like a deadlock between net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.widget.RequestPane$WrappedHtmlEditorKit$WrappedHtmlFactory$WrapInlineView.getMinimumSpan( and