missingConsumables - Consumable tracking script


missingConsumables 1.6

This script will check your consumption history against the list of consumables in Mafia (plus some that are not in the food/booze list), and give you a list of which ones you are missing.

Ver 1.1: Fix issue with consumables that had italics in their names.
Ver 1.2: Remove spooky frank and flask of peppermint oil. Add idiot brain.
Ver 1.3: Fix issue with one extra booze being reported.
Ver 1.4: Add bento box.
Ver 1.5: Add hot dogs.
Ver 1.6: Add VGHD and fix for revamped page.


Last edited:
I see it there... I didn't attach it when I first created the post, but then I added it, and I know someone has downloaded it to test it.
Yeah... I posted my response 35 minutes after your post and it still wasn't there. Attached now though.
Thanks again!

I just checked and I noticed another thing. Somehow I get an extra booze credited which is suspect is a double-count. I think that there are only 404.
Antarctic Ice Tea
Black and Tan and Red All Over
braincracker sweet
fermented honey
flask of peppermint schnapps
Gin and Herring
hot choculate
hot toady
390/405 imbibed!
15 unconsumed are correct, but there are only 389 in the consumption history:
bodyslam   	3,861
Mae West   	1,143
pumpkin beer   	995
can of Swiller   	494
cup of primitive beer   	437
black & tan   	405
Imp Ale   	391
gimlet   	385
Gordon Bennett   	273
salty dog   	261
horizontal tango   	231
overpriced "imported" beer   	224
distilled fortified wine   	218
Go-Wassail   	209
extra-spicy bloody mary   	191
shot of orange schnapps   	181
perpendicular hula   	176
ice-cold Willer   	167
slap and tickle   	159
green beer   	158
fine wine   	157
ocean motion   	151
cruelty-free wine   	143
bottle of Pinot Renoir   	138
roll in the hay   	138
dirty martini   	138
fuzzbump   	136
astral pilsner   	134
ice-cold Sir Schlitz   	134
shot of peach schnapps   	128
thermos full of Knob coffee   	117
melted Jell-o shot   	111
bucket of wine   	107
Crimbojito   	101
calle de miel   	98
Bologna Lambic   	87
around the world   	82
a little sump'm sump'm   	81
Supernova Champagne   	81
ducha de oro   	79
slip 'n' slide   	71
cherry bomb   	70
shot of grapefruit schnapps   	68
steel margarita   	66
pink pony   	62
whiskey and soda   	59
rockin' wagon   	58
vodka stratocaster   	55
whiskey sour   	55
tobiko-infused sake   	52
fruity girl swill   	52
cream stout   	51
Chunky Mary   	50
Mad Train wine   	50
white Canadian   	49
vesper   	49
white lightning   	48
shot of blackberry schnapps   	47
strawberry daiquiri   	47
strawberry wine   	46
margarita   	45
vodka and cranberry   	42
Neuromancer   	41
Mon Tiki   	40
mandarina colada   	39
shot of rotgut   	39
blended frozen swill   	38
wine spritzer   	38
shot of tomato schnapps   	37
martini   	36
gloomy mushroom wine   	35
Ram's Face Lager   	34
Nachojito   	31
Mint Yulep   	31
screwdriver   	31
monkey wrench   	31
vodka martini   	31
whiskey and cola   	31
thistle wine   	30
slug of vodka   	30
tropical swill   	29
snifter of thoroughly aged brandy   	28
ice-cold fotie   	28
CSA cheerfulness ration   	26
Gin Mint   	26
tequila sunrise   	25
CSA scoutmaster's "water"   	23
Das Sauerlager   	22
slimy fermented bile bladder   	22
redrum   	22
rum and cola   	21
dusty bottle of Port   	21
grog   	21
spiced rum   	21
flute of flat champagne   	19
Sangria de Menthe   	18
yellow brick road   	18
green eggnog   	17
Feliz Navidad   	17
Typical Tavern swill   	17
vodka and tonic   	17
dusty bottle of Marsala   	17
Divine   	17
shot of flower schnapps   	16
Vodka Matryoshka   	16
Hi-Octane Peppermint Jet Fuel   	16
acceptable vodka   	15
dusty bottle of Muscat   	15
corpse on the beach   	15
mediocre lager   	14
crystal skeleton vodka   	14
dusty bottle of Merlot   	14
old-fashioned   	14
Vodka Dog   	13
dry martini   	13
McMillicancuddy's Special Lager   	13
eggnog   	13
accidental cider   	13
prussian cathouse   	13
water purification pills   	12
natto-infused sake   	12
Infinitesimal IPA   	12
boilermaker   	11
bloody mary   	11
tequila with training wheels   	11
corpsetini   	11
bottle of cooking sherry   	11
Corpse Island iced tea   	11
tangarita   	10
cranberry schnapps   	10
icy mushroom wine   	10
tomato daiquiri   	10
bottle of popskull   	10
Oreille Divisée brandy   	9
purple corpsel   	9
Sloe Comfortable Zoo   	9
Blood Light   	8
flat mushroom wine   	8
lumbering jack   	8
bottle of single-barrel whiskey   	8
bilge wine   	8
bottle of rum   	8
teqiwila slammer   	8
breaded beer   	7
Great Old Fashioned   	7
Dark & Starry   	7
Muschat   	7
missing wine   	7
bottle of peppermint schnapps   	7
Silver Bullet beer   	7
dew yoana salacious lei   	7
nanite-infested eggnog   	7
Grimacite Bock   	7
pebblebräu   	7
Doublepunchplanter   	7
giant glass of brandy   	7
bottle of realpagne   	7
Temps Tempranillo   	7
Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler   	7
bottle of Ooze-O   	7
dusty bottle of Pinot Noir   	7
corpsedriver   	7
Drunken Philosopher   	7
knob mushroom wine   	7
boxed wine   	7
sangria   	7
bungle in the jungle   	7
gin-soaked blotter paper   	7
Blackfly Chardonnay   	7
canteen of wine   	7
dew yoana lei   	6
Chakra Libre   	6
Herringtini   	6
Ralph IX cognac   	6
plum wine   	6
bottle of Lieutenant Freeman   	6
Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth   	6
Acque Luride Grezze Cabernet   	6
Fromage Pinotage   	6
Bone's Farm "wine"   	6
stinky mushroom wine   	6
Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau   	6
soy cordial   	6
mimosette   	6
Punchplanter   	6
bottle of gin   	6
gibson   	5
world's most unappetizing beverage   	5
day-old beer   	5
Flaming Sazerorc   	5
red-headed corpse   	5
Suffering Sinner   	5
Spasmi Dolorosi Del Rene Champagne   	5
ridiculous cocktail   	5
carrot claret   	5
salacious lychee chuhai   	5
Shot of the Living Dead   	5
Candicaine   	5
vodka gibson   	5
bloody beer   	5
Cement Mixer   	5
corpsebite   	5
spooky mushroom wine   	5
Crazymaker   	5
Sizzling Sinner   	5
gin and tonic   	5
Aye Aye   	5
CRIMBCO wine   	5
plain old beer   	5
flask of Amontillado   	5
cursed bottle of rum   	5
Bordeaux Marteaux   	5
Moonthril Schnapps   	5
Moonshine Mohobo   	5
pointy mushroom wine   	5
Ecto-Cooler   	5
soyburger juice   	5
bottle of sake   	5
dusty bottle of Zinfandel   	5
salacious screwdiver   	5
bottle of vodka   	5
caipifruta   	5
Herring Daiquiri   	5
Lumineux Limnio   	5
bottle of tequila   	5
wasabi-infused sake   	5
Green Giant   	5
sham champagne   	5
bottle of Calcutta Emerald   	5
Flying Caipiranha   	5
citrus-infused sake   	5
cursed bottle of black-label rum   	5
shot of pear schnapps   	5
Mutagin 'n' Tonic   	5
Over Easy Rider   	4
Le Roi   	4
herringcello   	4
Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire   	4
whiskey bittersweet   	4
bottle of Pete's Sake   	4
adequate rum   	4
zmobie   	4
Flaming Mohobo   	4
plastic cup of beer   	4
Wrecked Generator   	4
tequila sunset   	4
Drunken Neurologist   	4
Barulio's bottle   	4
Plague of Locusts   	4
Fauna Libre   	4
salty slug   	4
beertini   	4
Drac & Tan   	4
Locust   	4
White Hyborian   	4
Green Velvet   	4
oozenog   	4
bottle of whiskey   	4
Morto Moreto   	4
berry-infused sake   	4
Red Dwarf   	4
boxed champagne   	4
Slimebite   	4
Zoodriver   	4
elven cellocello   	4
Russian Ice   	4
Beignet Milgranet   	4
Hodgman's blanket   	4
Uovo Marcio Shiraz   	4
expired bottle of peppermint schnapps   	4
elven moonshine   	4
salinated mint julep   	4
Buttery Knob   	4
Event Horizon   	4
Suppurating Sinner   	4
Sazerorc   	4
jar of fermented pickle juice   	4
Caipiranha   	4
Slippery Knob   	4
booze-soaked cherry   	4
lychee chuhai   	4
used beer   	4
kamicorpse-ee   	4
cool mushroom wine   	4
Transylvania Sling   	3
Herring Wallbanger   	3
Sazuruk-hai   	3
bottle of sewage schnapps   	3
especially salty dog   	3
Acqua Del Piatto Merlot   	3
Green Burlap   	3
Flaming Caipiranha   	3
Grasshopper   	3
papaya sling   	3
Green Muslin   	3
Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster   	3
honey mead   	3
bone aperitif   	3
The Cooler Out of Space   	3
slug of rum   	3
decanter of fine Scotch   	3
Black Hole   	3
Taco Dan's Taco Stand Chimichangarita   	3
Ferita Del Petto Zinfandel   	3
Saison du Lune   	3
Firewater   	3
McLeod's Hard Haggis-Ade   	3
Earth, Wind and Firewater   	3
parisian cathouse   	3
shot of nepenthe schnapps   	3
jar of squeeze   	3
5-hour acrimony   	3
spooky eggnog   	3
Humanitini   	3
oily mushroom wine   	3
Flaming Knob   	3
Earth and Firewater   	3
Mt. Noob Pale Ale   	3
elven squeeze   	3
Oh, the Humanitini   	3
Extra-slimy Slimosa   	3
Lollipop Drop   	3
Mohobo   	3
banana daiquiri   	3
bottle of Definit   	3
slug of shochu   	3
marshmallow flambé   	3
Alewife™ Ale   	3
white Xanadian   	3
Morlock's Mark Bourbon   	3
backwoods screwdriver   	2
bottle of wine   	2
artisanal limoncello   	2
teqiwila   	2
Golden Mean   	2
Haymaker   	2
Dump Truck   	2
slap and slap again   	2
Cinco Mayo Lager   	2
soft green echo eyedrop antidote martini   	2
rabbit punch   	2
papaya slung   	2
Candy Alexander   	2
mulled cider   	2
Fuzzy Tentacle   	2
Aye Aye, Captain   	2
bottle of Domesticated Turkey   	2
sangria del diablo   	2
grogtini   	2
More Humanitini than Humanitini   	2
melon-infused sake   	2
screwdiver   	2
flaming mushroom wine   	2
Isotope Nog   	2
Oil Nog   	2
Disappointed Russian   	1
passable stout   	1
Ye Olde Meade   	1
open sauce   	1
cheap Chinese beer   	1
shining goblet   	1
Maiali Sifilitici Pinot Noir   	1
Hundred Headed IPA   	1
tankard of ale   	1
Flaming Crimbo Log   	1
Crimboku Drop   	1
Crimbo Saketini   	1
beery blood   	1
Drunken Astrophysicist   	1
Jackhammer   	1
Slimosa   	1
Aura Libre   	1
Jeppson's Malort   	1
Horseradish-infused Vodka    	1
Jerkitini   	1
Desert Island Iced Tea   	1
CRIMBCO Extreme Braincracker Sour   	1
CRIMBCO Egg Substitute Nog Substitute   	1
CRIMBCO Ribbon Candy Schnapps   	1
Scrawny Stout   	1
Petite Porter   	1
white-label gin   	1
evil roll in the hay   	1
evil horizontal tango   	1
evil ducha de oro   	1
an evil little sump'm sump'm   	1
bottle of Jorge Sinsonte   	1
dry vodka martini   	1
knoll mushroom wine   	1
Version 1.3 is up.

There was a parsing error that was causing the extra booze to appear. Should be fixed now.
Nigiri and maki do now show up in the mafia food list, so I'm guessing the bento box won't show up any time soon. What's the bento box capitalization used on the consumption records?
The script doesn't recognize the hot dogs:
Not found: basic hot dog
Not found: chilly dog
Not found: devil dog
Not found: ghost dog
Not found: junkyard dog
Not found: one with everything
Not found: optimal dog
Not found: savage macho dog
Not found: sleeping dog
Not found: sly dog
Not found: wet dog

Plus the video games hot dog which I haven't eaten yet I guess.
> ash $item[basic hot dog]

Bad item value: "basic hot dog" ()
Returned: void
Seems to be like the sushis... pseudo-items, not ones that scripts can usefully track. At least currently on r12566.