Mana burning during ASH adventuring, clip art summoning

void main()
if (multiNames[my_name()]) 
	if( !is_online( "faxbot" ) ) abort( "Faxbot is dead!" );
	chat_private ("faxbot", "mime");
    wait (60);
    if (item_amount($item[photocopied monster]) == 0)
    cli_execute ("fax get");
    if (item_amount($item[photocopied monster]) > 0)
	cli_execute ("use photocopied monster");
	if (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) > 0)
    cli_execute ("use spooky putty monster");
    if (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) > 0)
    cli_execute ("use spooky putty monster");
    if (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) > 0)
    cli_execute ("use spooky putty monster");
    if (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) > 0)
    cli_execute ("use spooky putty monster");
    if (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) > 0)
    cli_execute ("use spooky putty monster");
	cli_execute("status refresh");
	cli_execute("equip brimstone beret");
	cli_execute("cast 2 ode");
	eatdrink(eatMax, drinkMax, spleenMax, overdrink);
	cli_execute("restore hp");
	cli_execute("familiar hobo monkey");
[COLOR="#FF0000"]	if(tomeLeft < 1 );
	cli_execute("create 3 punctual");[/COLOR]
	cli_execute("outfit castle");
	if (item_amount($item[potion of punctual companionship]) > 0)
	cli_execute("mallsell * punctual @10000 limit 1");
[COLOR="#FF0000"]	while ( my_turncount() > 0){
		adventure( 1, $location[Giant's castle]);
		cli_execute("burn -400");}[/COLOR]
	cli_execute("mallsell * mime soul fragment");
	cli_execute("mallsell * dry noodles");
	cli_execute("mallsell * magical ice cubes");
	cli_execute("mallsell * coconut shell");
	cli_execute("mallsell * little paper umbrella");
	cli_execute("mallsell * scrumptious reagent");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be wealthier");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be happier");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be feistier");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be stronger");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be smarter");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be sexier");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be more adventurous");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be kinder");
	cli_execute("mallsell * resolution: be luckier");
	cli_execute("equip brimstone beret");
	cli_execute("cast 1 ode");
	cli_execute("buy bucket of wine");
	cli_execute("drink bucket of wine");
	cli_execute("outfit rollover");
	cli_execute("familiar scarecrow");
	cli_execute("autosell * angry farmer");
	cli_execute("autosell * furry fur");
	cli_execute("autosell * heavy d");
	cli_execute("autosell * original g");
	cli_execute("autosell * rave whistle");
	cli_execute("autosell * disturbing fanfic");
	cli_execute("autosell * aweful poetry");
	cli_execute("autosell * thin black");
	cli_execute("autosell * chaos butterfly");
	cli_execute("autosell * plot hole");
	cli_execute("autosell * probability potion");
	cli_execute("autosell * procrastination potion");
	cli_execute("autosell * vapohotness rub");
	cli_execute("use * warm subject");
	cli_execute("smash * wolf mask");
	cli_execute("smash * giant needle");
	cli_execute("make * twinkly wad");

Mana isn't getting burned, and the script still halts if started after no clip art summons remain. Help? Now you might think it strange that I'm also asking for help on a mimic farming script at the same time as this. These are indeed for different characters.

edit: to be clear, I just want it to burn mana like mafia would if you were using the autoadventure java interface. Having it burn down to a certain amount of MP is also fine, though. I also don't want the script to halt if it can't summon more clip art. Haven't tested the putty function of it yet, I might be back tomorrow if that doesn't work. >_>
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Using adventure() burns mana exactly like using the autoadventure java interface.

What error do you have when the script halts if started after no clip art summons remain?
"You have no Tome uses remaining." Is there a problem with how I've set up the int tomeLeft? Or is there a problem with the if statement that fire tome summons?

"Your HP/MP Usage preferences are set to attempt mana burning whenever your MP reaches 80% of your maximum. MP will be burned down to 20%." Says pyromania, but MP burning definitely didn't happen. I tested it both as written above, and just boiling it down to
adventure( my_turncount(), $location[Giant's castle]);

I of course forgot that the account this is for has Rain-Doh, and not putty, so that part will need to be tested tomorrow. :D
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	if(tomeLeft < 1 );
	cli_execute("create 3 punctual");
This means, if you have <1 tome uses left, do nothing, just like if you have 1 or more uses (that's what the ; immediately after does). Then, always create 3 punctual, whether or not we have uses left.
Also, I would try one of
cli_execute("try; create 3 punctual");
cli_execute("try create 3 punctual");
Not sure which one of those is valid, and which is syntax error.

Don't check for tome uses left (you will probably get it wrong, unless you only ever have that one or never stay in aftercore), let mafia stop attempts to create too many (and tell it to ignore the error).
I had missed the ; in
if(tomeLeft < 1 );
Try removing it.

You should also create only if you do have tome summons left:
if ( tomeLeft > 0 ) create( tomeLeft, $item[ Potion of punctual companionship ] );

Just to make sure, you do have something like this somewhere in your script, right?
int tomeLeft = 3 - get_property( "_clipartSummons" ).to_int();
if ( tomeLeft > 0 ) create( tomeLeft, $item[ Potion of punctual companionship ] );

Worked perfectly. However, mana burning during adventuring still isn't happening. Here's what pyromania says:

Your HP/MP Usage preferences are set to attempt mana burning whenever your MP reaches 80% of your maximum. MP will be burned down to 20%.

Effects that aren't a part of your current mood are eligible to be extended by mana burning: true
Breakfast summoning skills (including libram skills) are eligible to be cast by mana burning: true

Maximum duration (in addition to the number of turns remaining) to which an effect will be extended by mana burning (default 1000): 500
Minimum duration that every extendable effect must have before casting of breakfast summoning skills will be considered (default 10): 10
Minimum burnable mana with nothing to burn it on before the CLI command below will be executed (default 100): 100

Max MP during adventuring is just above 1,000, but I'm ending the day with libram summons still only costing 118 MP, from being summoned as part of breakfast. This doesn't seem right. Yet it does seem that buffs have been correctly extending. However the buffs shouldn't be getting in the way of extra libram summons, I watched this character sit at full MP through dozens of adventures without burning any extra mana.

Also, the mime faxing part of my script works, but on the 6th mime, it's still attempting to use the Rain-Doh box still, and aborts when the game doesn't allow a 6th use of it. How can I tweak my CCS or the script to avoid this causing an abort? Here's the CCS:
if monstername four-shadowed mime
item Rain-Doh black box
Also, the mime faxing part of my script works, but on the 6th mime, it's still attempting to use the Rain-Doh box still, and aborts when the game doesn't allow a 6th use of it. How can I tweak my CCS or the script to avoid this causing an abort? Here's the CCS:
if monstername four-shadowed mime
item Rain-Doh black box

Switch to a different CCS once _raindohCopiesMade reaches 5.
Huh, didn't know scripts could do that. Got it working, though, and it ran through perfectly today, no aborts anywhere, and it even did mana burning with libram summons. My current hypothesis on the cause of this character not burning mana on librams before is that breakfast settings are a global preference? Because I had set resolutions to be summoned some days before, and then at some point must have been confounded by my main summoning them, and toggling it back to dice. As a result, today when I checked Sidrock's (the account this script is for) breakfast preferences, it showed dice as the libram summon. Sidrock doesn't have a Gygax libram, so this of course resulted in no mana being burned during adventuring. Is my hyopthesis correct? If so, how can I make breakfast settings not be global?
Set your breakfast settings as part of your login script, and then run the 'breakfast' cli command manually, probably something like
if (get_property("_manualBreakfast") == "false") { set_property("_manualBreakfast", "true"); CLI_EXECUTE("breakfast"); }
That helps, but it's only half the problem it looks like. DA and Sidrock both want to use mana burning during adventuring for libram summons, but I want them to both summon different types of librams. This is keyed to the setting in preferences, which seems to be global. That looks to only affect what happens during breakfast, and honestly I'd rather that neither did libram summons during breakfast, I only have it set to summon anything during breakfast because otherwise pyromania won't use libram summons.
Yes... but what I mean is, you can do a check like
if (my_name() == "Deathless Assassin") set_property("libramSkills", "all");
else if (my_name() == "Sidrock") set_property("libramSkills", "none");
Could do it as a switched set, but that makes things more complicated if you're just running a few different versions.

For that matter, if you DON'T want it to do libram burning during breakfast, take out that manualBreakfast thing I mentioned above and set libramSkills to none as part of your logout script. Then set libramSkills to whatever it should be for that character as part of your login script, and it should only do the burning you actually want...
For that matter, if you DON'T want it to do libram burning during breakfast, take out that manualBreakfast thing I mentioned above and set libramSkills to none as part of your logout script. Then set libramSkills to whatever it should be for that character as part of your login script, and it should only do the burning you actually want...

There we go, that's perfect. Thanks all!