My personal Meat farming script

My understanding of how VMF and vote monsters works is that the default settings for the preferences Frono mentioned are sufficient to fight all "free" vote monsters.

No user intervention required. You do need to vote first.

As a test I made the change to the value for SHRINE suggested and I too ended up fighting a series of crates.
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I'm at a loss.

My claim that "it works for me" is based upon examining session logs where I can see going to the Noob Cave and fighting a voting monster. I also see lines about equipping the I Voted sticker before doing so. Maybe the session logs are not complete?

I have no prefs entry for choice 1331 - the Booth - although if I have already voted before running VMF that should be irrelevant.

The referenced VMF preferences do not appear in my prefs file so I believe that means I am running with the default values.

My mood does have zarqon's MercenaryMood always triggered so perhaps it is a factor?

BestBetweenBattle and Difficult Decisions are also enabled for Pre-, Post- and Choice adventures so perhaps zarqon is changing something?

The character had and used the Voter registration form.

The script that is actually running from scripts and the svn copy are identical. My local changes to the script are compared to the latest checked in version.


Not sure why it only works for me :-)
Hi Frono,

I have, almost, the same setup as you. I don't have Difficult Decisions but the rest is the same. Where did that script come from?
Here's what happened during my testing today.

VMF ate, drank, and spleened, before doing anything else and then
[24048] Noob Cave
Encounter: government bureaucrat
Round 0: Arbos wins initiative!
Round 1: Arbos casts SING ALONG!

Then VMF did the usual beginning of day stuff, LOV Tunnel, Boxing Daycare, Fighting Tentacles, Gingerbread City, Spacegate, Beachcombing, Tea Party, Witchness, God Lobster, X-32-F Combat Snowmen.

Then, after finishing the Snowmen it got "stuck" in the Noob Cave fighting crates. At that point I aborted script execution. Changed the SHRINE setting back and re-ran VMF. It picked up then with the Deep Machine Tunnels, Neverending Party, and fighting a Faxbot monster before running the rest of the day's turns in Barf Mountain.

I suspect that the turn counting was off regarding which combats advanced the voter monster.

Since voters cannot appear in the shrines any more, it does need to look for them in the noob cave, say - but only if the voter will really be there.
If 24048 was the successful voter monster, what was the turn number of the unsuccessful attempt?
Hi Frono,

I have, almost, the same setup as you. I don't have Difficult Decisions but the rest is the same. Where did that script come from?
Here's what happened during my testing today.

VMF ate, drank, and spleened, before doing anything else and then
[24048] Noob Cave
Encounter: government bureaucrat
Round 0: Arbos wins initiative!
Round 1: Arbos casts SING ALONG!

Then VMF did the usual beginning of day stuff, LOV Tunnel, Boxing Daycare, Fighting Tentacles, Gingerbread City, Spacegate, Beachcombing, Tea Party, Witchness, God Lobster, X-32-F Combat Snowmen.

Then, after finishing the Snowmen it got "stuck" in the Noob Cave fighting crates. At that point I aborted script execution. Changed the SHRINE setting back and re-ran VMF. It picked up then with the Deep Machine Tunnels, Neverending Party, and fighting a Faxbot monster before running the rest of the day's turns in Barf Mountain.


Difficult Decisions is zarqon's choice adventure manager. Not sure of the public/release status.

Of the list of things that you allow VMF to do the tentacles are the only thing I can do unless tea Party is just getting the buff. I don't have the other IOTMs and the character who registered to vote can't chat, hence fax, because they refuse to visit the Shrine of Literacy.

Veracity's hypothesis about turn counting is probably correct
If 24048 was the successful voter monster, what was the turn number of the unsuccessful attempt?

[24092] Noob Cave
Encounter: crate
Round 0: Arbos wins initiative!
Round 1: Arbos casts SING ALONG!

I was going to put the entire session log up on Pastebin but, for unknown reasons:

"Pastebin’s SMART filters have detected potentially offensive or questionable content in your paste.
The content you are trying to publish has been deemed potentially offensive or questionable by our filters, because of this you’re receiving this warning.
This paste can only be published with the visibility set to "Private"."

I have no idea how or why and a private paste isn't useful.
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And I'm not sure if it's based on counting, cause I'd seen it go for more than 11 adventures in Noob Cave without trying to equip the badge.
> call scripts\VeracityMeatFarm.ash

Validating configuration.
All is well!
Conditions list cleared.
counterScript => counterExpired@VeracityMeatFarm.ash
Acquiring necessary adventuring gear
You don't have a garden in your campground.
You need 1 more fouet de tortue-dressage to continue.
You need 1 more tunac to continue.

Unable to wear outfit item drop.
counterScript =>
Net income = 0 Meat in 0 turns. Meat/Adventure = 0
Cumulative income = -423,830 Meat in 1 turns. Meat/Adventure = -423,830

The script consumed food / drinks at first, then it subsequently got stuck at these 2 items (in red above)
I definitely don't have the fouet de tortue-dressage, as I've not played that class before - is there any work around for it?
As for the tunac, I do have access to the clan Floundry, but strange why it had issues withdrawing it.
The script consumed food / drinks at first, then it subsequently got stuck at these 2 items (in red above)
I definitely don't have the fouet de tortue-dressage, as I've not played that class before - is there any work around for it?
As for the tunac, I do have access to the clan Floundry, but strange why it had issues withdrawing it.

Try equipping the outfit named Item Drop (assuming you use v's default names). I've had similar problems and they almost always are the result of Kolmafia thinking I can't wear the outfit. When first running VMF in aftercore I often find I'm not meeting stat requirements on equipment.
Try equipping the outfit named Item Drop (assuming you use v's default names). I've had similar problems and they almost always are the result of Kolmafia thinking I can't wear the outfit. When first running VMF in aftercore I often find I'm not meeting stat requirements on equipment.
Thanks - where do I go to adjust or check the full list of configurations for this script?
edit: Just found it, its at the Configurations section of the script when I opened it

May I ask - do I need to have own a charter ticket to 70s volcano and the dinseylandfill just so that VMF can do the necessary calculations and comparisons? Or will it automatically check the mall price? (I don't have those IOTMs).

That said, I think in the end realistically, volcano might work the best for me just because I don't own any special meat familiars like robotender.
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Thanks - where do I go to adjust or check the full list of configurations for this script?
edit: Just found it, its at the Configurations section of the script when I opened it

May I ask - do I need to have own a charter ticket to 70s volcano and the dinseylandfill just so that VMF can do the necessary calculations and comparisons? Or will it automatically check the mall price? (I don't have those IOTMs).

That said, I think in the end realistically, volcano might work the best for me just because I don't own any special meat familiars like robotender.

I have my login script buy the day ticket to dinsey if the price is right. VMF will use it and adventure there. If there is no ticket then with my items and equipment it just goes to the Hidden City instead. to address your implied question either I won't buy a one-day ticket or it can be configured not to buy one, and I have done so,

I don't have any special meat familiars so it uses the leprechaun. It claims to farm about 1.2 million meat per day for me. In practice, my session results show a gain of about 900,000 with the difference being buying the ticket and the cost of restores to maintain buffs. If I don't let it go to dinsey I think the comparable session results are about 700,000 or 800,000.
Just wanted to say thanks for this script, not an everyday user these days, just once every few days in aftercore or if I don't want to jump straight into another run. 100m Meat and counting. Thanks!

Cumulative income = 100,717,082 Meat in 49,677 turns. Meat/Adventure =    2,027
Hello i'm little bit new i have problem with the script i asked about before and their's no replies on how to fix it so i'm asking again why won't work it been giving me this error Unknown variable 'monster_set' (VeracityMeatFarm.ash, line 310).
as of right now 20806.

monster_set is defined in vprops.ash and vprops is listed as a dependency.

If vprops.ash is not in your scripts directory the something (bad) happened when you installed VMF. You could just (re)install VMF or try installing vprops.

Simplistically things work when properly installed so I am focused on the install.
I keep getting this when the very end of the script runs

Verifying ingredients for kiwi (1)...
Creating 1 kiwi...
You acquire an item: kiwi
Successfully created kiwi (1)
Verifying ingredients for bottle of Jorge Sinsonte (1)...
Creating 1 bottle of Jorge Sinsonte...
Still upgrading was unsuccessful.
So, this is my go-to "might as well get some meat before I ascend" script. (for which thank you. I don't earn as much as a lot of other people, but it help keep me in dosh.)

Today for the first time, it got hung up immediately on the Tin cup of mulligan stew, which it wanted to drink right away. And since I was level 13, not 15, it couldn't and that caused it to fail out.

I put that item in vcon and excluded it, so I could continue, but is there something that automatically detects that I am not high enough level to take the consumable requested? If that's already coded, did we break it?
So, this is my go-to "might as well get some meat before I ascend" script. (for which thank you. I don't earn as much as a lot of other people, but it help keep me in dosh.)

Today for the first time, it got hung up immediately on the Tin cup of mulligan stew, which it wanted to drink right away. And since I was level 13, not 15, it couldn't and that caused it to fail out.

I put that item in vcon and excluded it, so I could continue, but is there something that automatically detects that I am not high enough level to take the consumable requested? If that's already coded, did we break it?

I have had the same thing happen but since it was just a hiccup on the path to the next run, I just went back to EatDrink, but only to eat. But, to the question, it is not something that has recently been broken.