

New member
I have three minor items that I think would help ascensions a bit better:

1) Frilly Skirt should have an "equip" link. I've been trying to think of how to make the frathouse blueprints auto-buy (if muscle sign) the frilly skirt, equip it, use the blueprints, and then equip your old outfit, but this seems a bit much...
2) Two links from the Untinkerer's cottage to the Knoll - one for the knoll fight location, and one for the knoll that has the screwdriver.
3) A link from the screwdriver to the Untinkerer's cottage. Even better (for me, at least) a link to untinker the dictionary. Even better than that would be an auto-untinker for the dictionary, including retrieving the screwdriver if you ascend under a muscle sign.

Thanks again for such a great tool.


The first can be done with an ashscript. This is a small snippet of the script I wrote to automate the pirate quest for myself:

		if (contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=1"),"Cap'm Caronch has given you a set of blueprints to the Orcish Frat House, and asked you to steal his dentures back from the Frat Orcs."))
			if (available_amount($item[Orcish Frat House blueprints]) > 0)
				if (available_amount($item[Cap'm Caronch's dentures]) == 0)
					if ((available_amount($item[frilly skirt]) == 0) && (available_amount($item[hot wing]) >= 3))
						if (in_muscle_sign())
							buy(1, $item[frilly skirt]);
					if ((available_amount($item[frilly skirt]) > 0) && (available_amount($item[hot wing]) >= 3))
						equip($item[frilly skirt]);
						set_property("choiceAdventure188", "3");
						use(1, $item[Orcish Frat House blueprints]);
						cli_execute("outfit checkpoint");

				if (available_amount($item[Cap'm Caronch's dentures]) == 0)
					if ((available_amount($item[mullet wig]) > 0) && (available_amount($item[briefcase]) > 1))
						equip($item[mullet wig]);
						set_property("choiceAdventure188", "2");
						use(1, $item[Orcish Frat House blueprints]);
						cli_execute("outfit checkpoint");

				if (available_amount($item[Cap'm Caronch's dentures]) == 0)
					if ((!have_outfit("Frat Boy Ensemble"))
					&& (user_confirm("Would you like to adventure for the Frat Boy Ensemble?")))
						cli_execute("conditions clear");
						if (my_adventures() == 0)
							abort("Ran out of adventures");
						adventure(request_monsterlevel(1), $location[Frat House]);
						if (!have_outfit("Frat Boy Ensemble"))
							cli_execute("conditions add outfit");
							adventure(request_monsterlevel(my_adventures()), $location[Frat House]);
					if (have_outfit("Frat Boy Ensemble"))
						outfit("Frat Boy Ensemble");
						set_property("choiceAdventure188", "1");
						use(1, $item[Orcish Frat House blueprints]);
						cli_execute("outfit checkpoint");