What...IS this?


New member
[66327] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Furry Giant
Strategy: attack with weapon
Round 0: baebledaedle1 wins initiative!
Round 1: baebledaedle1 executes a macro!
Round 1: baebledaedle1 tries to steal an item!
Round 2: baebledaedle1 attacks!
Round 3: baebledaedle1 wins the fight!
You gain 813 Meat
You acquire an item: furry fur
You acquire an item: wolf mask
You gain 11 Beefiness
You gain 12 Mysteriousness
You gain 12 Roguishness

Request 24 of 40 (Beanstalk: Giant's Castle) in progress...

[66328] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Add to Display Case:
Nothing more to do here.

That's an excerpt from one of my general castle farming runs. Every so often, whenever I sent an amount of turns for Mafia to farm at so and so area (because I don't know how to get Mafia to auto-olfact a Goth Giant when I'm running low on the effect, but I'll find it later), this thing shows up and interrupts my streak. Thus, when I get back, I find that my adventures are unspent after an intended hour of work.

Why does this occur, what exactly is it, how do I fix it?


Active member
My guess is that you have some sort of thing that's adding items to your display case, whether that's you in the relay browser, a mood, or a between battle script. Regardless of the source, it's appears to be running while mafia thinks it should be done...